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RE: Hive Town Hall 1: Hive and Demographic Data

in OCD2 years ago

Also, if you don't mind, I will like to feature you in an edition in the future, the topic is already selected. If it seems good to you, you may drop off your discord username, and I'll meet up with you their.

I'm still and always open to suggestions and more ideas.


I don't really use Discord, and I don't currently remember my username. You're welcome to feature me or any of my blog wherever or however you like.

I look forward to seeing future Hive Town Hall posts. I'll comment when I have something to say, but this is my busy time of year, and I won't be engaging on Hive quite as much until around November.

Wow! That's interesting. Nonetheless, it's nice meeting you! We will always stay in touch occasionally!