Let's Make a Collage [Relaxed life]

I'm not late today, I really feel so committed to this community that I can't miss it, or maybe it's addicted to you ha ha ha.

<center Looking for information I found that the turtle for many cultures represents good luck to the home, good health and attracts money, so I represent them in a tree as a source of life and a Buddha that represents a state of mental tranquility. If you have health, luck, love and money, what more can we ask for.


Hoy no vine tarde, de verdad que me siento tan comprometida con esta comunidad que no puedo faltar, o tal vez esta adicta a ustedes ha ha ha.

Buscando información me encontré que la tortuga para muchas culturas representa buena suerte al hogar, buena salud y atrae el dinero, asi que las represente en un árbol como fuente de vida y un buda que representa estado de tranquilidad mental. Si tienes salud, suerte, amor y dinero que mas podemos pedir.


I invite you to participate in the @shaka contest, because the invitation, because you have great prizes, we are a great family, you have fun and learn to make your collage, what more could you ask for?

Te hago una invitación a participar en el concurso de @shaka, porque la invitación, porque tienes grandes premios, somos una gran familia, te diviertes y aprendes hacer tu collage, ¿que mas se puede pedir?




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What a wonderful picture. Even if you hadn't told us about the turtle's symbolic significance, I would have seen unity and peace in that picture. The tree is a perfect backdrop to represent age, and wisdom.
Good luck!

My dear, thank you, that is the peace and tranquility that we want many, greetings and a big hug.

Excelente amiga, suerte en el concurso.

Muchas gracias mi amigo.

Me gusto mucho este collage me traslado a un lugar místico lleno de paz donde acrecientan la espiritualidad... lo amo que lugar tan increíble.😍

Hola amiga, que hermosas tus palabras muchas gracias...