in Project HOPE4 years ago

One of the biggest rules I live by in life, and how I live my life is...

(this is more than true with how I run my business and work-life especially)



Just don't. It doesn't work very well. When you are bored you don’t get good things done, and you aren’t creative like you need to be when running a business or when you are trying to make money.

One of the things I like to focus on in business is having FUN. Almost no one talks about this. Business is supposed to be fun.

In fact, in my experience, the more fun I have the more $$$ I make.


Why it’s Important to Not Be Boring.

1. Boring people tend to make less money.

If you read my whole teaching about luck then you’ll understand this. The more dynamic and interesting you are, the more likely people are to reach out to YOU when they need something done.

The more unique you are, the more likely you are to the be the first person people think of when they need a job done or want to give someone money.

Think of the deep-sea diver analogy from the luck issue. If you’re the best deep-sea diver in the world, you’re going to get the call when someone discovers treasure in a shipwreck.

Yes, this has something to do with skill development in this situation. But it also has to do with not being boring.

Do you know who’s not boring? The guy who’s done hundreds or thousands of shipwreck deep-sea dives all over the world. Do you think he’s going to have some fascinating stories to tell? Do you think he’s going to have visited some crazy places? Yes, and he’ll be rewarded for it monetarily. He’s also rewarded in real-time every moment he’s creating amazing experiences. There’s intrinsic value in doing interesting things. Then money tends to follow.

I have the same type of thing with my videos online. If someone wants a funny sales video done they come to me. Or they go to the Harmon Brothers. If they wanted someone to do a parody within the marketing space they’d reach out to me before anyone else.

You get the point…I’ll tell you a cool story about Trevor Noah and Dave Chapelle that demonstrates this as well. It’s a bit of a simpler example that perfectly demonstrates why it’s so valuable to not be boring.

2. Boring people tend to have less friends.

No one has ever said "I’m super stoked to hang out with that really boring guy." Or "Let’s meet up with Tim. He’s boring AF."

I think we’ve all had that experience of a conversation that goes like this:

"What do you think of Tim?"
"Oh man, such a nice guy. GREAT guy. Really good guy."
"Yeah, agreed. Should we see if he wants to hang out tonight?"
"Absolutely not. Great guy, so nice. But he’s just too boring."

There’s nothing wrong with being super nice. In fact it’s one of my highest values in people. But sometimes someone is just so damn nice it’s boring. Be kind. But don’t be boring!

3. The boring person is rarely sharp of mind.

If you have a project you’re working on and need to hire someone, you’re unlikely to immediately think of the boring person, but you think of an interesting person.

4. Being boring is that... it's boring!

A boring life is not a life worth living in my not-so-boring opinion. Life is meant to be lived. You’re meant to create experiences that are worth remembering.

We have no idea how long we’re going to be on this planet. There are so many things that can rob of us of our life in a matter of seconds, days, or months. A car accident. Natural disaster. Cancer. Injury. Illness.
This isn’t morbid thinking. It’s freeing. We may not be here for long. We may as well make the most of it while we’re here.

Most people die a little every day while they’re alive. I’d rather live fully until I die.

My belief is that you’ll also probably live a lot longer if you’re not dying a little inside every day or stressing out always.

you dont get to be bored.jpeg

I am using this lesson as the start to my new way of living here on Hive, and embodies everything that I plan on sharing on here about making money and living a great life to the fullest, but also for a reason and cause! So if you are excited to learn more about how you can make money online, run your own business from the comfort of your home, and help make this world a better place, then stay tuned for much more here on Project Hope!

One Luv,
Adam Davis