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RE: Dreams are dying (Reflection)

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Greetings dear friend, it is nice for me to greet you and see that you are well.

Brother your article reflects a very hard reality for our young people, sometimes some people tend to criticize those who leave our country, but a young professional friend of physical education and sport, years ago he said textually "teacher you are a person who already has his home well structured, but I am young who begins to undertake a journey and I see truncated my dreams of acquiring a house and especially furnish it, so I go in search of my dreams" those words resonated with me and let me know that each person has a different reality.

In your case, I hope that God will enlighten you and that you will be able to make the right decision for the well-being of your family. See you later my friend, have a great week!