Legacy - Lessons in Leadership #5

in Project HOPE3 years ago


The book, "Legacy" by James Kerr covers lessons in leadership that can be learnt from the game of rugby. The book discusses how the All Blacks achieved greatness and applies some of these lessons to the world of business to help make us into better business leaders.

I have previously covered:

Today, I am covering the fifth lesson from the book.

Create a learning environment

Egos often make us feel we know it all. However, the reality is different, there are always new things to learn that will help us finesse the ways that we do things. The interesting thing about rugby is that there are so many different gameplays and it is quite possible to think of new tactics that haven't been used before. However, many in sport go way beyond just the tactics on the field but they examine every single factor that may influence their performance. The obvious ones are things like nutrition and sleep patterns. However, there is a huge amount of research into optimising sports equipment and even sports clothing. In sports, the term "marginal gains" is used.

It is about continuously seeing improvements in the way that we perform. In sport, just another inch on the field can make all the difference.

Life's this game of inches. One half-second too slow, too fast and you don't quite catch it. The inches we need are everywhere around us

Al Pacino

We can easily see how this applies to the world of business. We should never stand still thinking we are the best at what we do. There are always "marginal gains" to be sought out. We should keep looking back at our processes to see if we can make them more efficient. We should be looking at our people to see how we can make them more effective. To achieve this, we must develop a culture where we promote learning. Let's keep oiling the wheel and finessing the way we carry out our work.

Excellence is a process of evolution, of cumulative learning, of incremental improvement

Legacy (Chapter 5)

The key to making "marginal gains" and the necessary incremental improvements, is to examine the environment

There is something further than this. Quite often the best way of learning is to teach. In your business, make everyone keen to teach others. It is a win/win situation. Your more junior staff learn the techniques of the trade and the senior staff also deepen their understanding as the teaching process makes them formalise their knowledge.

Leaders are teachers

Legacy (Chapter 5)

Is the environment you work in a place to learn?



Hi @awah

Passing the ball, is undoubtedly the best dynamic that a true leader can implement, staying with the ball and pretending to play as the best is a big mistake, leadership is about sharing authority and toasting the win as a collective. Excellent article.

Best regards, be well.

Thank you my friend - cheers !wine

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@awah The King is curious about the Al Pacino quote. Was that from a movie (Any Given Sunday) or was that something he said during an interview?

Not to take away from your excellent post about leadership and/or rugby. We agree that life is a daily completion of smaller tasks that lead to the end goal.

However, we were struck by the Al Pacino quote. If it came from the movie the credit should actually go to the writer of the script. Actors get WAY too much credit and credibility when they are only instruments of writers, directors and producers.

Now if it was a case where he ad libbed the line during the movie then I'd say sure, give him credit. We may never know unless we were there?

And that is life in a nutshell, until we walk in someone else's shoes we truly lack an understanding of that individual. Adding one step further in that saying, we may only walk a few steps or even a mile yet we have no understanding of what came before and/or what may happen in the future.

All the best!

The Kingdom sends some......


You are right, it is from Any Given Sunday. A bit truncated, see here for a great speech.


But as you say, he didn't write it so shouldn't take the credit. I like your philosophy though.

Let me tell you a story. Once I travelled from UK to the US. I had no particular destination, just me and my backpack. After covering Texas across to Calafornia, I headed south through Mexico. I ended up in Guatemala. I went to a small remote village and by chance I met someone in the hostel that lived close to me in London. What's the chance? If I had just turned my back when he walked by, I would never have known.

And that is life. We paint a picture based on our limited experience. Sometimes we get lucky but sometimes things pass us right by and we don't even know.

The thing we are desperately looking for, right there the whole time.

So not even the future, do we know what is right next to us?

@awah Excellent question......How do we remain open to all that is available to us?

How do we become more aware of what surrounds us?

Being in the moment which can be challenging but there are several gurus espousing this and making a comfortable living from it. Easier said than done. Like everything else it takes perfect practice and a willingness to commit it to habit.

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