The psychological effect of reading self-help, motivational and financial books

in Project HOPE4 years ago

In a world where people prefer to give to the rich than give to a beggar, in a world where people prefer to share ideas with people who have enough ideas for them than share with people who would benefit from it, and in a world where you are on your own to develop yourself because you want to be grow and there are really nobody who wants to develop you for free, even self-development books are sold to people around the world so the publisher and writer makes money over trying to get you motivated.

Why do people want to improve themselves or their current situation? People are willing to do anything to improve their current situation at any time when they are not satisfied with the result they are getting. Trying to be better versions of ourselves wouldn’t be a bad idea as it is about making progress and being able to make decisions.

When you are growing yourself, you get this satisfaction that you are doing the right thing but while all these things are good, one thing becomes constant and that is addiction. Once people start to grow through personal help, you will have easy access to book and this means you will have to keep buying more books, it also applies to podcast, videos and so on. It becomes an addictive process as you want to keep motivating yourself and enjoy that feeling.


Have you noticed that there is one thing about all motivational, self-help and inspirational books, the end product is you feel you are on track and ready to go even when you are just starting? You start to discuss with people like you already achieved a lot, this is because this is what the authors are selling. You start to fake progresses even when there are no progress being made because you want people to see a change but at the end of it all, if you are not taking actions to support the readings, you are still the same person.

There is more to success than reading, listening or watching self-help, motivational, and inspirational materials. Instead of writing about business without doing one, writing goals without accomplishing one, claiming to enjoy the lifestyle of billionaires without being one, the best thing to do is take actions. I have seen a lot of these books as important but also I have seen many of them as a means to and end for the author.


Hello friend, I think there are many benefits that can provide us with these activities, growing intellectually is something that no one can take away from us, besides that will help us in the future to develop better and be able to solve any situation.

 4 years ago  

@tipu curate

Hello @futurekr
To a great extent, as human beings evolve, they seek to improve, at least in part, because there are undoubtedly people who are conformist.
But those books allow us to locate in us aspects that we could improve, and they provide tools, so, it is a good psychological effect, in general.

Hello friend, greetings, if you notice the great amount of self-help books that are sold daily, I believe that society has become something fictitious, many times by the social networks and television it seems that it includes in the personality of the people, turning them into unsatisfied people, from there some authors take advantage to sell you their recipe.

Thank you for sharing this great publication! 🤝