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RE: Environmental Feasibility of Automotive Green Engineering

in Project HOPE3 years ago

The topic is much more nuanced than that. For starters, even though electric vehicles are obviously the future of transportation (as fossil fuel will be eventually exhausted) the current production process is anything but eco-friendly, as it requires several materials that are pollutants and whose production needs a lot of energy. For example, heavy metals and other chemical components that are used or necessary to produce electric batteries.

Then there is the conversation about "where is electric energy coming from", because an electric car running on energy generated by fossil fuel is just moving the pollution, but not eliminating it. And renewable sources are not efficient enough to support even a partial conversion of mobility to electric, let alone a full worldwide change.

Electric cars are the future, but they still need significant progress in the energy storage department - which means better batteries with higher capacity, shorter charging times, and less polluting components. It's okay to adopt them now because the process is just in the beginning, but the current model is not sustainable and must improve to make it a viable alternative for full scale adoption.


Greetings @lucabarbera

I agree with you, in fact in the publication, I mention the uncertainty that exists about whether this type of ecological automotive engineering is really the best environmental option, since, according to the arguments of experts in ecological matters, to mass produce electric vehicles requires a lot of energy for their manufacturing processes, and in addition their batteries are recharged with electricity that has been partially generated from fossil fuels.

Thank you for leaving, your ideal and well-supported point of view.