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RE: New variants of SARS-CoV-2

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello my friend @juanmolina,
Very explicit information that we comportes, it is certainly alarming the situation that is occurring as a result of the convid-19, but more alarming is the future that is looming because of the mutations that is presenting at the structural level this virus. The sad thing of all is that young people do not seem to care about what is happening and the countless victims who have lost the battle, and isolation and social distancing are not enough. Thank you for your contribution

 3 years ago  

Despite suffering so many hardships daily, we Venezuelans cannot lower our guard against the covid.
More than 400 health professionals have already died in our country.
Especially in Táchira the situation is at extreme levels in the infection rate. Hopefully there is no spread to the rest of the territory.