Post COVID-19 flights/Los vuelos post COVID-19

in Project HOPE3 years ago


There is no doubt that in commercial aviation, as in many other areas such as tourism and life itself, there will be a before and after the coronavirus not only in the frequency and occupation of flights but also in the design of aircraft.

No cabe duda de que en la aviación comercial, al igual que en muchos otros ámbitos como el turismo y la vida misma, habrá un antes y un después del coronavirus no solo en la frecuencia y ocupación de los vuelos sino también en el propio diseño de las aeronaves.

Tourism, beyond an initial explosion when the vaccine is extended, will not be able to continue operating at the pre-pandemic pace, not only because of the economic outlook that is coming but also because precisely the type of low-cost mass tourism is the perfect setting for next pandemic.

El turismo, mas allá de una explosión inicial cuando la vacuna se extienda, no podrá seguir funcionando al ritmo prepandémico, no solo por el panorama económico que se avecina sino también porque precisamente el tipo de turismo masificado low-cost es el escenario perfecto para la próxima pandemia.

On the other hand, the confinement has led to the creation of an entire communications infrastructure and software that facilitate teleworking and virtual meetings, which, in the words of the experts, will cut company and business trips in half with the consequent blow for airlines.

Por otra parte, el confinamiento ha propiciado la creación de toda una infraestructura de comunicaciones y software que facilitan el teletrabajo y las reuniones virtuales lo que, en palabras de los expertos, reducirá a la mitad los viajes de empresa y de negocio con el consiguiente golpe para las aerolíneas.


Precisely airplanes are the preferred means of transport for viruses because they can spread throughout the world in a matter of days and the overcrowding of airplanes and access points further helps in the spread of a possible future pathogen that will inevitably appear in some point on the globe.

Precisamente los aviones son el medio de transporte preferido para los virus porque pueden propagarse por el mundo entero en cuestión de días y la masificación en las aeronaves y en los puntos de acceso ayudan aún más en la propagación de un posible futuro patógeno que inevitablemente aparecerá en algún punto del globo.

That is why the London studio Factorydesign has designed a new type of capsule-shaped aircraft seats that will give travelers not only more privacy and comfort but will keep passengers isolated from each other to avoid possible infections on board.

Por eso el estudio londinense Factorydesign ha diseñado un nuevo tipo de asientos para los aviones con forma de cápsula que dará a los viajeros, no solo más intimidad y comodidad sino que mantendrá a los pasajeros aislados unos de otros para evitar posibles contagios a bordo.


Each of the seats has its own air conditioning and heating system, its own lighting system and fully ergonomic reclining seats for passenger comfort that also have a front projector that will delight young and old alike.

Cada uno de los asientos cuenta con su propio sistema de aire acondicionado y calefacción, su propio sistema de iluminación y asientos reclinables totalmente ergonómicos para confort del pasajero que además tienen un proyector frontal que hará las delicias visuales de grandes y chicos.

Personally, the only fault I find is that for people who. Like me, we have already circled the sun more than 50 times, I can't imagine how I could get out of one of those cabins at the bottom, after 10 or 12 hours of transatlantic or trans-Pacific travel without the help of some forceps.

Personalmente, el único fallo que le encuentro es que para la gente que. como yo, ya le hemos dado mas de 50 vueltas al sol, no me imagino como podría salir de una de esas cabinas de la parte de abajo, después de 10 o 12 horas de viaje transatlántico o transpacífico sin la ayuda de unos forceps.

More information/Más información


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Very curious - thanks for the insight into future air travel. I wonder if they will demand the vaccine before you can fly?

I think so, in Spain they said vaccine will be voluntary it but I guess all hotels and planes will demand it.

Hi @mauromar
This was bound to happen, just as many things have changed in schools, shopping centers, etc.
Another thing that is sure to affect flying is that the costs must be much higher than they were before the pandemic.

Certainly this pandemic marked a before and after in many sectors of the economy, and air transport is among the most affected. Without a doubt, new methods must be implemented to prevent the spread of this and new viruses, we will certainly see this and many more, and hopefully they are designed for older people or people with disabilities.

From now bc/ac will stand for before coronavirus and after coronavirus instead of before christ/after christ