What are griefbots?/¿Qué son los griefbots?

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Today, while surfing the web in search of some information to satisfy your bulimia I have found a concept that has left me a bittersweet sensation, it is the so-called "griefbot" that will allow us theoretically to communicate with deceased people and interact with them .

Hoy, mientras surfeaba en la web en busca de algún dato para satisfacer vuestra bulimia he encontrado con un concepto que me ha dejado una sensación agridulce, se trata de los llamados "griefbot" que nos permitirán teóricamente comunicarnos con las personas fallecidas e interactuar con ellas.

Basically a griefbot is a chatbot, that is, a computer program based on artificial intelligence, which collects all the data left on the network by a deceased person and with this information creates an avatar of that person with whom to interact through virtual reality .

Básicamente un griefbot es un chatbot, es decir, un programa informático basado en la inteligencia artificial, que recoge todos los datos dejados en la red por una persona fallecida y con esta información crea un avatar de esa persona con la que poder interactuar mediante realidad virtual.

The algorithm collects all the messages, photos, comments, videos and others that the person has left on social networks, whatsapp, videos seen on YouTube, Spotify songs and all the search histories of the browsers and with this data they train a neural network so that it behaves as close to the original as possible.

El algoritmos recoge todos los mensajes, fotos, comentarios, vídeos y demás que la persona ha ido dejando en las redes sociales, whatsapp, videos vistos en youtube, canciones de spotify y todos los historiales de búsqueda de los navegadores y con estos datos se entrena a una red neuronal para que se comporte lo más parecido posible al original.


Although, coldly thinking about it, this is nothing new but something more sophisticated, 100 years ago photographs of the deceased were kept, for 40 years all kinds of visual and sound records have been kept that help us to go through the mourning and keep the memory of our beloved ones.

Aunque, pensándolo fríamente, esto no es nada nuevo sino algo más sofisticado, hace 100 años se guardaban fotografías de los fallecidos, desde hace 40 se guardan todo tipo de registros visuales y sonoros que nos ayudan a pasar el duelo y mantener vivo el recuerdo de nuestros seres queridos.

But this seems a bit more serious because, although with photos and videos you can only look at them and cry inconsolably, with griefbots you can interact and even the chatbot will learn from such interactions and evolve within the cloud.

Pero esto parece un poco más serio porque, si bien con las fotos y los vídeos solo puedes mirarlos y llorar desconsoladamente, con los griefbots se puede interactuar e incluso el chatbot irá aprendiendo de tales interacciones y evolucionando dentro de la nube.

This could help many people to mourn for loved ones and will be very helpful in calming our consciences by expressing to this avatar all the things that we could not or did not want to say to them while they were alive for whatever reason.

Esto podría ayudar a muchas personas a pasar sus duelos por los seres queridos y será muy útil para descargar nuestras conciencias expresando a este avatar todas las cosas que no pudimos o no quisimos decirles mientras estaban vivos por la razón que sea.


But we must also take into account that the avatar has been created with ALL the data that the deceased has left on the network, those that we knew and like and those that we do not, so we also get some unpleasant surprises as we go communicating with the griefbot.

Pero también hay que tener en cuenta que el avatar ha sido creado con TODOS los datos que el fallecido ha dejado en la red, los que conocíamos y nos gustan y los que no, así que lo mismo nos llevamos alguna sorpresa desagradable a medida que vamos comunicándonos con el griefbot.

Either way, I'm sure it's because I'm growing old but, these things still give me goose bumps, death is nothing more than a transit that must be accepted and that cannot be frivolized, because, after all, life it is a deadly sexually transmitted disease.

De cualquier manera, seguro que es porque me estoy haciendo mayor pero, estas cosas todavía me ponen la piel de gallina, la muerte no es mas que un tránsito que hay aceptar y que no se puede frivolizar pues, al fin y al cabo, la vida es una enfermedad mortal de transmisión sexual.


Joder, pues me da que en lo que a mí respecta voy a resultar tan hermético como la tumba de Cleopatra. De manera, que el que quiera conocerme que aproveche ahora, que todavía está a tiempo, porque en el momento en el que estire la pata no pienso decir ni mú.

jaja. Yo comparto esta opinión, comparto tan poco en redes sociales que en bot no encontraria que decir, se quedaria mudo a muchas preguntas.

Hello friend, listen that sounds great, although certainly sometimes it is better not to be anchored to those issues and move forward, but there will be those who want to say goodbye as you say and not leave loose ends with that person. Maybe that will help people to live quietly without remorse even though the reality is that that person will no longer be in this world.

@mauromar ...el tema que escribes ya había leído algo sobre eso pero no con el nombre que lo presentas...griefbot...s un término nuevo para mi que debo agregarlo en diccionario de palabras en el mundo digital por se una inmigrante digital adaptándose todos los días a esto. Saludos es bueno estar al tanto...

The concept seems good on paper, but after you are gone, it is better to let the dead leave that space.

I agree...

Hi @mauromar
Some months ago I read about something similar but with virtual, helped a mother from the psychological point of view to say goodbye to her daughter.
But I asked myself: Could it be that it could create a kind of addiction? That thing of always wanting to talk to that person who is no longer physically there. This is really something quite particular.

good article, there are several apps that do amazing things I recommend "randonautica"

As a computer science engineer in the field of consumer products, I would be extremely skeptical about the concept of "griefbot". As a matter of fact, there are so many negatives and downsides in such a proposition I would strongly advise against it. Some that come to mind in random order:

  • the griefbot is not the real person, so the whole idea is just like chatting to a random machine
  • chatbots are terrible at interaction. No really, they may talk good for a while, but down deep they suck.
  • there's so much more to a person than the sum of their "collectable data"
  • the idea alone of building a bot that, knowing data, can mimic a person, is plain delusional
  • weak subjects could have terrible side effects: addiction, emotional breakdowns
  • the bot, being an AI, is fundamentally unpredictable (unless it's plain simple stupid) and could easily derail towards the representation of personality disorders: would you like to talk to a machine that pretends to be your dear departed but is actually a manipulative sociopath that does not give a damn about you?


I agree with you but people already speak to their pets (even fishes) ;-)