When is best to buy or sell? As a day trader

in Project HOPE3 years ago

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Hi there, there is much market volatility in the crypto space, and more investors and traders are gaining much from the market movement although it's advisable to trade with risk management, which includes having and setting a proper stop loss 🚫 when trading your assets.

Note This post isn't financial advice, trading depends on your strategy and how you choose to follow the market trends.

I'm a day trader which means I'm a short-term trading investor that takes advantage of trends movement in the market although I trade using cryptocurrency.

Trading needs a basic set up rules that I consider need to be set out by traders, in essence, my rules and strategies for trading can be completely different from yours, but one thing is certain in the trading world which is up and down movement of chart and trends

When trading, some traders prefer buying from the bottom while others would perform the opposite.
Buying or selling from the bottom only depends on what you consider the market will move, doing these only requires one important rule which is setting up a proper stop ⛔ loss you can afford to lose.

Taking myself as an example when trading I wait for the market or chart to be on an ALL-TIME HIGH, before executing an open position of SELL

As earlier said this isn't a financial advice post my strategy can be quite different from yours.

Would love to hear from you about when is best to sell or buy as a day trader?
Make a suggestion will love to know what you think.

This post was originally published by me here

Thanks for stopping by.



It is glad that you share your own method of trading strategy with us, I am not a trader like you but I understand that trading requires us to follow certain patterns and demands that we operate intelligently.

Yes it requires real pattern.
Thanks for stopping by.

In the system of trading I really don't think there is a person who can confidently predict the market exactly all the time but it is very advisable for us to figure out a strategy that works and learn consistently.

Sure you are right we need to develop our strategy.
Thanks for the feedback

Hi @mccoy02 today I saw a publication of a trader in which he stated that trading is the hardest way to earn easy money and I agree with it I have spent hours studying the market and I still do not feel encouraged enough to trade with real money, because the graph I see it as complex. Thanks for your input. Regards

Trading is very hard as stated, it requires lots of set out rules and its always advice to use spare capital for trading to avoid lossing huge amount of money.
Thanks for stopping by.