in Project HOPE4 years ago

Time is a priceless opportunity open to everyone to make peoples lives better by exploring, recognizing and judiciously making use of it with foresight. Time as we know has been flopped by many people who lack understanding of the usage. Time they say, is money. Life is a opportunity to achieve purpose within a specific tine frame.


Now to the question, What is Time Management?

The process of planning, organising and controlling one's purpose in life within a specific period is known as Time Management. This can also be noted as Life Management or Opportunity Management. Truth be told, never say you don't have enough time because you have the same 24 hours everyone has, even the richest in the whole world. Note that no human is born with this time management skills but successful people choose what they do wisely and in different ways by adhering to some basic time Management skills.

Below are some Time Management skills you would love to look into.


The golden rule of all time and especially in time management is to set your priorities right. Have the right scale of preference. Be done with specific tasks per day before you move on to others even if its the next day, you would have at least recorded success on something for the current day.


This simply means we shouldn't spend excessive time on unimportant things like social medis, watching tv, games and so on when we have much more important things to do. Unimportant activities are the biggest drain of productivity


Being organised saves one a whole lot of time. Creating a file or documenting your items would make your work more organised and easier and also easily accessible when needed at any point in time.


Apart from just being organised and having your files in check, different tasks still demand different types of thought so let there be documents flowing i a single direction together. This will bring about less distraction rather than switching unnecessarily.

In conclusion, manage your time well and wisely. Remember that, time lost is life lost and life lost is an opportunity lost which may never be recoverable.

Thanks so much for reading
Till I come your way next time
I remain my humble self @oredebby



Greetings friend I really liked your article, it is a good guide for those of us who sometimes do not know what to do with our time, it often happens to me with many activities that I must execute. But I have put into practice the first advice you mentioned "prioritize things" so that I can periodically develop my activities without feeling guilty or pressured by the ones I haven't done yet.

Thanks for sharing your experiences, see you later and have a great week! 🤝

I'm glad to have helped in my little way. Thanks for reading.

Hello @oredebby
Good theme, more so now that it has been demonstrated that even with time, many did not do much during the pandemic.
Prioritizing is one of the most important things, since it is what tells us what we will do first, what we will do later, and also seeing what other activities are related to it helps us to be better organized, and to do what is best.

You are very right. Putting things in the right other saves us time and stress.

Awesome!... Time is precious and the time lost cannot be gotten back... In business, the importance if time management and being able to use the limited time wisely can never be overemphasized... That is why it is very important to make proper use of your time and set priorities...

Its very important to make proper use of our time. Thanks.

Hello @oredebby, great pots that you present us in this opportunity related to time management, where, it is important to highlight what you express:

The process of planning, organizing and controlling one's purpose in life within a specific period is known as Time Management. This can also be referred to as Life Management or Opportunity Management.

Excellent your points of view since in many occasions there are people who do not manage their time properly, but with your recommendations they will be able to have a better vision of their time.

I'm glad you got the message clear.