The book every new entrepreneur should read


greetings to the community of project hope .

In this article I am going to talk about one of the books that I like the most and that I consider that every entrepreneur should read, this book is not more than "think and do rich of Napoleon Hill", this book wonder contains thirteen principles which are a guarantee against failure for those who decide to follow these steps principles are:

  1. I wish to
  2. Faith
  3. Autosuggestion
  4. Specialized knowledge
  5. Imagination
  6. Plan of action
  7. Decision
  8. Persistence
  9. Master mind
  10. Transmutation of sexual energy
  11. The subconscious mind
  12. The brain
  13. The sixth sense

Here I leave you so that you can listen to it if you like listening more than reading.

In the next articles I will detail each of the principles from my point of view and with my experiences, I hope you will accompany me on the journey of each of these principles.

written by: @trabajosdelsiglo


Hello friend, I see that it can be a very interesting and beneficial book for our growth. Thank you for sharing. Greetings!

Greetings friend, thanks for the recommendation, for those of us who are undertaking, it will surely be an excellent bibliographic material !

See you later, successes 🤝

Being an entrepreneurial book that could be very important for our life development, thank you very much for sharing it with all the community of Project Hope. Greetings friend @trabajosdelsiglo.