A positive side-effect of Covid - You only realize the value when it is taken away from you!

I remember when I was a kid... we all hated school. All the cool guys have to say that school is boring and that school is terrible. In other words, the dream was to stay away from school and to do other stuff. And I am quite sure that hasn't changed much since then.

But, now I have kids and it is quite interesting to see something... Covid has changed something!

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I want to go to school...

That was the words of my son earlier this week. He misses school, he misses his classes, and he misses his friends. Covid has just done a miracle in my son, and I guess in kids all around the world.

But, the actual message of this article is much bigger. It is about realizing how grateful we are for thinks only when they are taken away from us.

Just like my kid realized how much he actually enjoys school is something he discovered when he wasn't allowed to go to school.

  • How much we love our family is often only discovered when we are unable to be together with them.
  • How grateful we should be for having a warm home to live in is only realized when we don't have a warm home to live in.
  • Food on the table isn't obvious either, lots of people don't have enough to eat. But, we only understand and turn grateful for the food we have when we suddenly don't have enough to feed ourselves or our families.

Spend a few minutes and be grateful!

I want to encourage all of you to take a few minutes and to be grateful. Find something to be grateful about. Send a message to someone you appreciate and that you can be together with and let them know that you are grateful. Don't wait until it is too late.

Even if you dislike your job, imagine what your days would be like if you were unable to work. Would that be better, or would you miss your job today and the chance to make an income?

We have hope...

We have hope, we have dreams of a future. But it isn't worth anything if we will be all by ourselves. Show some appreication to the people around you, and know that your friends and your family is worth way more than your job and the money you earn.

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This is an original article written by me for Project Hope!


Well the corona really made things easier but the relationship and fun is out.

Haha... I see the irony in this one! :)