Are you enjoying a good groove? The rhythm is important!

Some people like to work on a tidy desk, while others work perfectly in a messy environment. I don't care so much about whether it is tidy or not, but I do know the important of having a good rhythm!

I have played drums earlier, and at times, I didn't manage to keep the tempo. Sometimes I increased the tempo of a song, while I slowed it down at other times. That is not a good situation. You need to keep the tempo at a right level for the groove to be perfect. But, what has this got to do with your life and my life?

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The daily groove...

Our lives have changed a lot because of COVID. Suddenly, we all stayed at home, and even our kids had to study from home. This changed a lot. It wasn't that important to get up in the morning, which made me develop a habit of waking up earlier than everyone else. In this time, I would do a mixture of exercising, spiritual exercises, and work. I had an awesome rhythm and it was easy to get up, because I knew it would give me a brilliant start on the day.

But, then came the day when the kids returned to school. They got up earlier in the morning, making my daily rhythm impossible to follow (due to their presence). This has only been going on for some weeks, but it greatly changed my morning rhythm, and since then... to be honest, I haven't really found my glorious and victorious morning rhythm. But, I know it is out there, and I am working on finding it. It doesn't have to be in the morning, but I know that I need to add exercise and spiritual activities (praying and reading) to my daily rhythm, so if not in the morning, then at some other time.

Without a rhythm, you will miss the song!

This is the problem. You might just take life as it comes at you. But, I can promise you... if you don't have a rhythm of exercising, it will not work out in the long run. You might go for a run one day, but the next day, something else will grab your attention and you will skip the training.

On the second day, you will feel like watching a movie on Netflix, so instead of writing an article, you will just relax and have fun.

If you are led by whatever comes with the day, you will not be efficient. It might be cool, and it might give you inspiration, but I don't believe it will lead you to success in the long run.

Those who want to succeed need to give in to hard work and a rhythm in which they are fruitful and able to grow as individuals and to get the hard work done.

Catching the right rhythm!

It isn't enough to have the rhythm of waking up early to seize the day. You need to catch the right rhythm, that will get the necessary tasks done. If you go up early to spend 30 minutes checking your Facebook timeline, it is time wasted, and you should probably have slept 30 more minutes instead. But, if you spend those thirty minutes answering your toughest emails or doing the tasks you believe to be the most demanding of the day, you will enter the day with a victorious song on your brain with a rhythm of joy.

In other words, try to catch the rhythm of success and victory from early on in the day, and I believe that it will help you become even more fruitful in this upcoming week and in the upcoming months!