The journey from "Wantre"preneurship to "Solo"preneurship: The First Steps...

in Project HOPE4 years ago

The spate of unemployment world over has made a case for many to look away from government as a provider of job and thus stirring creativity in humanity to rather create jobs for themselves. There's a current debate in my state where the government rejects the statistics published by the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics that it ranks second in unemployment in the country with a high 47% rate. While they're trading words, I rather get challenged to spur up many to become entrepreneurs.


wiktionary etymologically defines a Wantrepreneur as a blend of want +‎ entrepreneur, and then heads on to define it as "a person who aspires to be an entrepreneur..." That part of the definition sufficed my quest as I wasn't comfortable with the addition "...especially one who never realizes this ambition. Every act always stem from a thought or aspiration. Where aspiration is lacking, then there is a tendency that such a person would stop at doing nothing.

I decided to bundle up a study on entrepreneurship and the stages of growth while thinking on how to carry all my "diversified" mentees along without each of them feeling lesser than he should. Some of them are naturally very industrious while others are reservedly intelligent. While talking to one yesterday, female, I could hear her mumble that nothing is really working out, yet, she's quite very intelligent and has been able to create come formula of functional oils for several skin treatments. She's not been very good with marketing her product and being flexible with customer demands.

At first, I thought about pairing them to collaborate and I discovered how seemingly impossible it would be. I was glad when my research outcomes started revealing types of entrepreneurs and this would become my next series of business development teachings here showing how one can develop entrepreneurial skills up the ladder from the stage of aspiration.

John Rampton, an Entrepreneur and Connector with ENTREPRENEUR LEADERSHIP NETWORK once said that when someone is an "entrepreneur at heart", he’s waiting for the day when he can build his team. Truth is that it all starts somewhere... in the mind.

Investopedia defines an entrepreneur as follows:

“An individual who, rather than working as an employee, founds and runs a small business, assuming all the risks and rewards of the venture.”

Becoming an entrepreneur doesn't happen by default, it does starts with a willingness which is either motivated by the success of another or stirred by an ill circumstance. However, such thoughts comes to spark the traits of creativity that lies within everyone.


Every entrepreneur today was once a Wantrepreneur! I'll loud that anytime. We all aspired within our subconscious and intangible domain before we took steps to see it become real. Everyone must understand the flow which starts from nothing to a singular effect which gets rippled over time. This therefore tells that everyone steps out of the "virtual" domain to the solopreneurship stage.

The Solopreneur Life explains that a solopreneur is someone who has developed a business with NO Employees, that’s Portable, Scalable, and produces Passive Income.

It's always better to start an entrepreneurship journey as a solopreneur. At this stage, one should not be in a rush to hire an employee to manage a venture. Even if the day comes when they must outsource work or bring in a team member, a solopreneur may find himself pitching in and doing the vast majority of the work himself. This helps to build character, energy and dedication.

Where did you start your entrepreneurship journey? I would be glad to share thoughts with you on this subject. Let's maximize the comments section of this blog post.