My Running Log 2020-04-30 <Bug Flew Into My Eye> ランニング記録2020-04-30 <虫が眼に飛び込む>

in EXHAUST4 years ago (edited)




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現在またしても にアクセスできず、「502 Bad Gateway」が表示されているので、PeakDからこの記事を投稿します。

Today I went out for running after work. Today it was very warm, in other words, a little hot. It seems that early summer has come.

At the beginning of the workout, a tiny bug flew into my left eye. In the summer, many tiny bug fly around in the evening. Fortunately(?), I recently wear a mask during running, so my mask protects my mouth and nose. But my eyes are unprotected.

I ran only 12 km with the tiny bug in my eye. After finishing the workout, I checked my left eye in a mirror and removed the bug. My left eye is still red.

Today's running profile is as follows. ( recorded by EPSON Wristable GPS J-300 )

Distance(距離) : 12.3 km
Time(タイム) : 0:50'47"
Average Pace(平均ペース) : 4'07" /km
Average Pitch(平均ピッチ): 186 spm
Average Stride (平均ストライド): 130 cm
Calories-out(消費カロリー) : 417 kcal
Steps(歩数) : 9,478
Average Heart Rate(平均心拍数): 156 bpm (Max : 203 bpm)
Estimated VO2max(推定最大酸素摂取量) : 64.3 mL/kg/min
Shoes(シューズ) : WAVE EMPEROR JAPAN 4 (total distance : 525.7km)
Temperature(気温): 19.4~19.7℃
Wind Speed(風速): 4.7~5.3 m/s
Humidity(湿度): 64~65%
Lap time(ラップタイム) :
1km 4’03” /km
2km 4’04” /km
3km 3’56” /km
4km 3’58” /km
5km 4’06” /km
6km 4’07” /km
7km 4’13” /km
8km 4’19” /km
9km 4’17” /km
10km 4’11” /km
11km 4’15” /km
12km 4’02” /km


Full Marathon : 2:58'09" ( The 28th Ako-Gishi Marathon, 1st December 2019 )
Half Marathon : 1:18'40" ( 2020 UNICEF CUP KOBE VALENTINE LOVE RUN, 9th February 2020 )

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...and enjoy a good recovery !BEER