Monthly Report of Running 2020-04 ランニング月間レポート2020-04

in EXHAUST4 years ago (edited)


In April, I did a running workout 13 times and ran 302 km collectively. My monthly running distance has reached 300 km for the first time in the 11 months since last May.

On 7th April, Japanese government has declared a state of emergency over the novel coronavirus outbreak. We are required to stay home as much as possible, on the other hand, we are allowed to go out for exercise outdoors as well as shopping daily essentials, visiting hospital, commuting to work.

Since the declaration of emergency, I always run with wearing a mask. Recently I have been used to that. And I have been careful not to get close to anyone, nor touch anything during my workout.

I just hope that the spreading of the novel coronavirus will end as soon as possible.


Great distance! 300k on a month is a pretty serious thing.

Hope you keep it up and stay safe.

Have a great day and greetings from Mexico.

Nothing can stop a consistent Runner.

Reblogged by @runningproject

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