in EXHAUSTlast year

Hello everyone I hope you have all had enjoyable week so far I know this post is a little bit late but I was unfortunately a bit tied up yesterday so I couldn't get the post done in time but I managed to get up and running now. If you can recall I had a surprise invite to a class at the gym the class was actually quite fun so I decided from now on it's Tuesday I'm going to go for the 17:30pm class and now here is my gym day walkthrough.

All my days will start off basically the with very little if any change.

First for a warm up I take a 30min walk from my home to the gym. Then once I've arrived I do a 15min stretching session.

Cardio time
15min seated cycling
15min flat treadmill walk

We started off with a warm up which consisted of running on the spot for 1 minute , 1 minute High step , 1 minute butt kicks and 1 minute jumping jacks.
Now you start out with the proper workout.
Each of the workouts are listed below are done in wraps this time not through Time so if you finish before everyone else you need to run on the spot and just move around constantly until everyone else has finished their sets. So basically the theme of the class why is constant movement.

10 side arm rises and 10 front arm rises (X3) 4kg dumbbells
10 dumbbell curls and 10 side to side arm swings (X3) 4kg dumbbells
10 squats and 10 forward lungs (X3) 20kg bar
10 tricep pulls and 10 bar rises (X3) 15kg bar
10 set up and 10 push up (X3)
Then to finish off 5 Minutes planking try to hold for as long as possible and if you drop count to 20 and get back to the planking continue until the 5 minutes are up
Lastly we did 5 minutes of stretching.

And last but not least.
Working down
15min stretching
20min steam room
And of course the 30min walk back home.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and have a nice day.