Marriages then and now: Must it take death to part?

in HiveGhana4 months ago

Marriage is an interesting concept.Two people decide that they want to spend their lives together and try to keep to it. The concept of marriage has evolved over the years. Back in the day, marriage was about staying till the end, no matter what. It was about fulfilling your duties more than it was about love.

Back then, you would see people get married even though they weren't in love. They got married due to an arrangement or just to fulfill some kind of duty or need. Surprisingly, such marriages seemed to last longer. The divorce rate was way lower then.

These days, people get married out of love. Love has become a major factor in marriages. It wasn't just about duty anymore. Sometimes, the duty part of it might be relegated to the background, but love has remained pivotal when it comes to marriages these days. However, one would wonder why marriages don't last longer these days compared to before. Divorce rates are higher now.


Comparing both times, one might think that marriages back then were better and more valued than marriages now. But what if that isn't the case. I believe that back in the day, people weren't bold enough to report what they were going through in their marriages. Marriages weren't perfect then. Women for example weren't bold enough to expose the abuse they went through, probably because of how society would see them and how they would be shamed.

Society was fond of shaming and stigmatizing women if she dared speak up. They didn't have the effrontery to leave abusive marriages. As a result, people stayed in such marriages, even though they were unhappy. They stayed even though they were both physically and emotionally in pains. They endured. The sad part is that sometimes people end up dying in marriages because they wanted to "fulfill duties" or were too scared to leave an abusive partner that threatened their life.

People stayed with cheating partners, or partners with terrible behaviors for the rest of their lives and barely said anything about it. It's so terrible living the rest of your life unhappy because you are married to someone who doesn't respect or cherish you.
Of course, people didn't always marry out of love back then, and as a result, they end up with partners they didn't really know. They end up with partners that made their lives a living hell because the love was never there.

These days, there are more platforms and encouragement for people, especially women, to speak up if they are in abusive marriages. People are bold to leave marriages that threaten their lives or mental health and society won't condemn them like before. Furthermore, individuals these days are not willing to endure being unhappy for the rest of their lives. That's why it looks as if divorce rates are higher.

Marriage is such a beautiful thing. I am a fan of marriages that last long. That's why it has to be gotten right from the beginning. Love has to be the foundation. It's amazing loving and being with someone for the rest of your life. However, no one should wait until death before they part from a marriage that is abusive.

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Your post makes some important points about how marriage and society's views on it have changed. Marriage should be built on mutual respect, love, and understanding. It's good to see more people leaving harmful situations and striving for healthier relationships. As society evolves, it's important to support loving marriages and condemn abusive ones.This doesn’t mean marriages are less valued, it means people are prioritizing their well-being.I'm married for 7 years now, and I need to say, I found a man who appriciate what we have.
Really good post 👍

Thank you very much.
I'm glad your marriage is waxing strong and you found the right man.

Like you said, it's good that in our society today, people are leaving harmful situations and going for healthier relationships.
Thanks for stopping by.

You will be surprised it’s actually opposite. People find it hard to leave marriage even if they’re abusive the moment there’s a child in question.

You have a point. Once children are involved, the situation becomes complex.

Yeah you’re right, most people marry out of love now. It’s a good thing going forward and it’s even more great to see that people have the confidence to report any abuse in marriage.

I hope that even more people will have the confidence to report abuse in marriages. Thanks for stopping by.

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