in The City of Neoxianlast year (edited)

Since we all need to acquire things in abundance to avoid going bankrupt, it's very common for everyone to want to be the recipient in order to improve their lot. However, in addition to taking from others, it is always a good idea to try to give to others as much as you can. I did this today by attempting to trick the city of Neoxian members.


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In the city, the word "giveaway" is one thing that gets everyone excited because it simply implies a method of looting Mr. Dragon or another person who initiated the giveaway, so when I announced my giveaway today, I believe that everyone immediately got excited because another opportunity to loot had arrived. However, as soon as I explained the giveaway's rules to them, almost everyone withdrew from participating in the giveaway.


It so happened that a fellow citizen's wife just put you to bed, which meant that their family had just welcomed a bouncing baby boy, and to show my love for the parents and their new member of the family, I decided to set up a giveaway. This meant that I'll give him 5 hives and whoever got picked by the bounty bot must double my 5 hives and send both to the new dad among us, but despite having almost 10 people at that time, only 3 people participated.


Because they were aware of the rules and decided to participate, I was forced to implement what I had originally planned before establishing the giveaway, I sent the new dad the full 10 hives and gave an extra 2 hives to everyone else who signed up for the giveaway, which are just @nkemakonam89 @rubilu and @yahuzah Who show willingness to part with their precious 5 hives.

Giving is a very good thing, and even Mr. Dragon encouraged us to always strive to be dooters and not just looter, so their exhibiting these traits made me proud, and aside from them, giving is one of the most noble acts anyone can do because you're meeting the need of the person on the receiving end in some way.

When we all help the less fortunate and work to meet their needs, the world as a whole will be a better place. While it's true that you should seek to others for blessings from their plenty, you should also make an effort to be a blessings-channel for those around you.

Thanks so much for checking out my blog post, have a blessed and productive day ahead.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 134 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

It feels great to give no matter how small it is. I believe in giving more and gaining sufficient. I liked the giveaway terms hence I didn’t think twice before entering 😂

Yea it's always a good thing to give, it's good to see such traits from you, keep up the good work.

Vickoly, that was a big lesson yesterday at the city 🌆
You thought us that it's always good to give out even in this dip
Glad I passed the test... thanks for your generosity 👍🤗❤️