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RE: Celebrating 16 Years of Blissful Marriage

in Daily Bloglast year

Feliz 16 years! We just celebrated 16 in June and I think we also went for tacos! Ha! Your tacos look amazing though. Really sounds like cool place to support as well! Here's to many more years together!
You're right - every year is special, so might as well do a big one at 20! And then again at 25! 😉 My parents will celebrate 50 years next Aug and both of them will turn 70 next year (May and June). I'm wondering if they're going to have a big celebration. I think they did a big party at 40 years.


Happy 16 years to you too! Really?! Oh wow that's awesome you also did tacos. 😆😃

Yes, many more years for you all as well.

Lol right! Why not do every five years?! Seven is my favorite number we may just do one next year for the big 17 (probably not 😅).

Oh my gosh what a blessing. 50 years, how beautiful that is!! I wish all the best and many blessings to them.