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RE: Celebrating 16 Years of Blissful Marriage

in Daily Bloglast year

It’s not always blissful with painted hearts and shooting stars but our marriage is a blessing and it’s worth nourishing and fighting for.

This just melted my heart. No marriage is perfect at all. And just like they say, marriage isn't a bed of roses but what matters most is that the two hearts connect with each other all the time and stick together through the waves.

Happy 16th year marriage anniversary to you and yours. I want to also get to look at my husband in 16 years time and appreciate our times together. So with that being said, I want to tap into this blessing of your marriage, to have and to hold till death do us part.


Yes!!! It's that exactly. Sticking together through the waves.

Thank you so much. I pray for both of you to have many long years to enjoy together and cherish each moment the Lord provides you with ~ ❤️

Thank you so much. I pray for both of you to have many long years to enjoy together and cherish each moment the Lord provides you with ~ ❤️

Amen and amen. Thank you for this prayer

Absolutely ~