Dinner at La Carreta [SPA/ENG]

in Daily Bloglast year


Cena en La Carreta.png

Hola, espero estén teniendo un maravilloso día. Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes, un poco de mi experiencia al ir a La Carreta por primera vez, un sitio al que me hacía mucha ilusión ir y esto fue gracias a, una invitación que le hicieron a mi madre a cenar. Sus amigos le comentaron que, yo podía asistir si así lo deseaba y aunque fue una invitación que llegó de un día al otro (literal) me pareció una excelente idea, como les había comentado en un post anterior, siento que me hace falta salir con más frecuencia y estoy actuando en pro de ello. Además, esto fue algo que me tomó por sorpresa y me resultó bastante chévere, porque bien pudieron haber invitado a cualquier otro grupo de personas y no fue así, a mí me agradó mucho la idea desde que la escuché, más allá de las ganas de salir como tal, me dieron ganas de aceptar ir porque valoré mucho el gesto y sentí deseos de corresponder.

Hi, I hope you are having a wonderful day. Today I want to share with you a little bit of my experience when I went to La Carreta for the first time, a place I was really looking forward to going to and this was thanks to an invitation to dinner that my mother received. Her friends told her that I could go if I wanted to and although it was an invitation that arrived overnight (literally) I thought it was an excellent idea, as I had mentioned in a previous post, I feel that I need to go out more often and I am acting in favor of it. Besides, this was something that took me by surprise and I found it quite cool, because they could have invited any other group of people and it was not so, I really liked the idea since I heard it, beyond the desire to go out as such, I felt like accepting to go because I appreciated the gesture and I felt the desire to reciprocate.



Revisé entre mis cosas para elegir la ropa que usaría y fue un tanto complicado porque las cosas que tenía limpias, no iban muy bien entre sí. En vista de esto, fui al cuarto de mi mamá y le pregunté si disponía de alguna camisa que me pudiera prestar, ella me dijo que si y tomé entonces dos blusas. Volví a mi armario y después de un par de pruebas, logré armar un look que me amé demasiado, se ocurrió un peinado que iría perfecto y yo quedé super feliz con el resultado. Los que les acabo de contar, ocurrió la noche anterior a la salida, pero el día en sí, tomé unas fotos mientras me preparaba y aquí se las voy a dejar.

I went through my things to choose the clothes I would wear and it was a bit complicated because the things I had clean, did not go very well with each other. In view of this, I went to my mom's room and asked her if she had any shirts I could borrow, she said yes and I took two blouses. I went back to my closet and after a couple of tests, I managed to put together a look that I loved too much, came up with a hairstyle that would go perfect and I was super happy with the result. What I have just told you happened the night before, but the day itself, I took some pictures while I was getting ready and here I am going to leave them for you.


Para el peinado, separé dos secciones de cabello y el resto lo até con una cola, para que no se me complicara tanto al momento de colocar las ligas. Una vez coloqué la primera, dejé una separación de tres dedos y añadí otra liga, hice esto a lo largo ambas secciones de cabello. Separé un poco con mis dedos, los segmento que dejé entre liga y liga, luego añadí unos ganchitos de estrellas de diferentes colores, me quité la cola que coloqué al inicio, peiné y listo. También apliqué hidratante de labios transparente en toda la zona y de color únicamente en el centro de los labios con un pincel, difuminé un poco y listo.

For the hairstyle, I separated two sections of hair and tied the rest with a ponytail, so that it wouldn't be so complicated when it came time to put the hair ties in place. Once I placed the first one, I left a three-finger separation and added another rubber band, I did this along both sections of hair. I separated a little with my fingers, the segments I left between the rubber bands, then I added some star clips of different colors, I took off the tail I placed at the beginning, combed and that was it. I also applied clear lip moisturizer all over the area and color only in the center of the lips with a brush, blended a little and that was it.


Volviendo a lo que les comentaba un poco más arriba, mi mamá pensaba que era una invitación a comer en una casa y acabó siendo en el supermercado que les mencioné, fue un giro que no esperábamos realmente. A mí me encantó este cambio, yo había visto mucho contenido en redes sociales de este lugar y llamaba muchísimo mi atención, pero hasta el momento no había tenido la oportunidad de ir. Yo estaba feliz cuando llegamos, la decoración del estacionamiento era hermosa, con muchas luces, dos castillos inflables y una cantidad sorprendente de cosas interesantes, estas son algunas de las fotos que tomé.

Going back to what I mentioned above, my mom thought it was an invitation to eat at a house and it ended up being at the supermarket I mentioned, it was a twist we didn't really expect. I loved this change, I had seen a lot of content on social networks of this place and it called my attention, but so far I had not had the opportunity to go. I was happy when we arrived, the decoration of the parking lot was beautiful, with lots of lights, two bouncy castles and a surprising amount of interesting things, these are some of the pictures I took.



Yo aproveché y recorrí parte del supermercado con @kpopjera estuvo muy chévere, curioseamos, tomamos fotos, ella grabó algunos videos que me gustaron demasiado y sinceramente, fue una salida espectacular. Vimos una cantidad enorme de cosas y aun así, no alcanzamos a ver todo lo que había… Se podrán imaginar lo grande y variado que era, aquí podría quedarme un buen rato, pero esta parte la voy a dejar para otro post, porque tengo mucho para decir y quiero crear contenido especifico sobre eso.

I took the opportunity and walked around part of the supermarket with @kpopjera it was very cool, we browsed, took pictures, she recorded some videos that I liked too much and honestly, it was a spectacular outing. We saw a huge amount of things and even so, we didn't get to see everything there was... You can imagine how big and varied it was, I could stay here for a while, but I'm going to leave this part for another post, because I have a lot to say and I want to create specific content about it.



Voy a dar un pequeño giro y les voy a mostrar la comida, porque tal como dije en varias ocasiones, el enfoque principal de la salida era la cena. Pidieron pollo asado, bollitos y ensalada, admito que todo me gustó… No tengo ni una sola queja sobre la comida, estuvo demasiado buena y créanlo o no, mi parte favorita fue la bebida. Yo tomé Nestea de durazno y estaba en su punto, lo disfruté como no tienen idea y es que, hace mucho no tomaba esta bebida… La cual es una de mis favoritas de toda la vida y me hizo pensar en cuando esta pequeña, fue recuerdo bastante bonito.

I am going to give a little twist and show you the food, because as I said several times, the main focus of the outing was the dinner. They ordered roast chicken, rolls and salad, I admit I liked it all... I don't have a single complaint about the food, it was too good and believe it or not, my favorite part was the drink. I had peach Nestea and it was just right, I enjoyed it like you have no idea and it's been a long time since I had this drink... Which is one of my all time favorites and it made me think back to when I was a little girl, it was quite a nice memory.



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Chromate Regular


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You must have had a really fun outing. My eyes are entering the chicken.

This post has been selected to be curated by @lazy-panda of the Hive Learners Community.

Yes, absolutely ^^ it was a very nice outing~ hahaha I can understand you, it looked great and it was delicious ♡︎

That's wonderful news✨ thanks for the support 🤍 Greetings!

Wow I can see that you really had a great time and nice photos you get there. I really like your post. And thanks sharing to us.
More especially your dinner. I like that 🤣🤣.
Maybe some other invite me too 😂😂.
Have a nice day

Yes, it was a lot of fun ^^ I saw a lot of interesting and cute things, took a lot of pictures~ I'm glad you liked it ♡︎ haha yeah, the dinner was great.

Thanks✨ have a nice day too 🤍