[Eng Spa] Los Aviadores Shopping Center/Centro Comercial Los Aviadores

*Greetings, dear friends who love architecture and design, it is a pleasure to be able to share with you part of what was a wonderful tour of the facilities of a shopping center which I am proud to be able to tell you is the largest in Venezuela, it is called Los Aviadores. and it is located in the state of aragua specifically on the highway los aviadores palo negro sector is this important Venezuelan landmark that gives a very significant enhancement to architecture and design in our country*

Saludos apreciados amigos amantes de la arquitectura y el diseño es un placer poder compartir con ustedes parte de lo que fue un maravilloso recorrido por las instalaciones de un centro comercial el cual es un orgullo poder manifestarles que es el mas grande de Venezuela se llama los aviadores y esta ubicado en el estado aragua especificamente en la autopista los aviadores sector palo negro se encuentra este importante hito Venezolano que le da un realce a la arquitectura y el diseño muy significativo en nuestro pais

My eyes were excited to see such a structure because of the emotion I felt, I couldn't find where to start taking the photographs to make this content, since it is the first time I have visited this shopping center and without a doubt this impressed me in every way. It's huge so I said to myself, Calm down! I took a deep breath and continued to concentrate as much as I could and try to focus on taking some good photographs because very rarely do you have the opportunity to be in front of an important milestone such as this. It is noteworthy that this shopping center was opened in The year 2011 and since its inception it was already said that it would be the largest in our country and the fourth largest in all of Latin America, incredible, right? taking into account that there are many countries in this Latin American continent and that impressive architectural works can be observed in them in the same way

mis ojos estaban excitados de ver semejante estructura pues de la emocion que sentia no encontraba por donde comenzar a tomar las fotografías para realizar este contenido pues es la primera vez que visito este centro comercial y sin dudas este si que me impresiono en todos los sentidos pues es inmenso por lo que me dije a mi mismo, ¡Calmate! respire profundo y me continue me concentre lo mas que pude y trate de enfocarme en sacar algunas buenas fotografías pues muy pocas veces se tiene ls oportunidad de estar al frente de un hito importante como lo es este es de resaltar que este centro comercial fue ignagurado en el año 2011 y desde sus inicios ya se decia que seria el mas grande de nuestro pais y el cuarto mas grande de toda Latinoamérica, increible no ? teniendo en cuenta que existen muchos paises en este continente latinoamericano y que en ellos puede observarse imponentes obras arquitectónicas de igual manera

At its main entrance you can see a beautiful design that reads Parque los Aviadores from here this grandiose shopping center welcomes all its visitors, users and merchants who make an active life in the facilities of this shopping center, a very important point from that I discovered my interest in architecture and design and since I am a member of this great community is that I have learned to love architecture and seeing this type of elements is not only contemplating them for their aesthetics but also sets the imagination free and Thinking about the great challenges that architects and designers have to face in order to satisfy the requests of those who hire them is not only seeing the letters that give name to this important Venezuelan milestone, it is valuing those who put their creativity and their time to achieve such a work.

en su entrada principal puede verse un hermoso diseño que se lee parque los aviadores desde aqui este grandioso centro comercial le da la bienvenida a todos sus visitantes, usuarios y comerciantes que hacen vida activa en las instalaciones de este centro comercial, un punto muy importante desde que descubri mi insteres por la arquitectura y el diseño y desde que soy miembro de esta grandiosa comunidad es que he aprendido a amar la arquitectura y al ver este tipo de elementos no es solamente contemplarlos por su estetica si no que pone a volar la imaginación y pensar en los grandes desafíos que tienen que afrontar los arquitectos y diseñadores para lograr sastifacer las peticiones de quien los contrate no es solamente ver las letras que dan nombre a este importante hito Venezolano es valorar quienes pusieron su creatividad y su tiempo para lograr semejante obra

The attractiveness of this commercial is that its architecture is inspired by an airplane, as we can see, the design of the front of this shopping center is similar to the front of an airplane, I think that this makes it unconventional in terms of Its design, because I don't know of another architecture of this level that is inspired by something other than the architecture itself, what do you think? Had you seen a shopping center with this type of theme anywhere else?

lo atractivo de este comercial es que su arquitectura esta inspirado en un avion, tal y como podemos apreciar el diseño de la parte frontal de este centro comercial es similar a la parte frontal de un avion, creo que esto lo hace poco convencional en cuanto a su diseño pues no conozco otra arquitectura de este nivel que este inspirada en otra cosa que no sea referente a la arquitectura misma que creen ustedes? habian visto en algun otro lugar un centro comercial con este tipo de tematicas?

After spending a long time outside, still entranced by what my eyes saw, I decided that it was time to visualize it inside, but not before sharing with you what its main entrance is, which has a fine and elegant sliding door. intelligent that opens when it feels contact with people and then automatically closes people to enter, in a certain aspect technology simplified people's lives in many aspects, because I would not want to know what the state of mind of a person would be like It will be necessary to open these types of doors manually 😅 taking into account the number of people who attend this place, I would not like that job at all

luego de pasar largo rato en la parte externa aun extasiado por lo que vian mis ojos decidi que ya era el momento de visualizarlo en su parte interna no sin antes compartir con ustedes lo que es su entrada principal la cual posee una fina y elegante puerta corrediza inteligente que se abre al sentir contacto con las personas y posteriormente a las personas ingresar automáticamente se cierra, en cierto aspecto la tecnología simplifico la vida de las personas en muchos aspectos, pues no quisiera saber como seria el estado de animo de una persona que le tocará abrir este tipo de puertas manualmente 😅 teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de personas que concurren en este lugar en lo absoluto me gustaria ese trabajo

Once inside the place we can see that its interior design emotionally follows the theme of airplanes. Exactly in this photo, a war plane suspended in the air welcomes us into the interior of this shopping center. I don't know about airplanes, but it seems to me that they It's about a war plane, what model it will be, I don't know about planes hahaha I know what you know about astronauts 😅 but this doesn't discourage us from continuing to explore this great architecture

ya dentro del lugar podemos apreciar que su diseño interior sigue emotivamente la tematica de las aviones exactamente en esta foto nos da la bienvenida a el interior de este centro comercial un avion de guerra suspendido en el aire, no se de aviones pero me parece que se trata de un avion de guerra que modelo sera no se jajaja de aviones se lo que saben ustedes de astronautas 😅 pero que esto no nos desmotive para seguir explorando esta grandiosa arquitectura

many commercial stores with different particularities in terms of their design can be appreciated by the four cardinal points of this work, because in each store or commercial space you can find some design element that enhances the aesthetics of this imposing shopping center which is finds 100% of its operation something that is extremely important because trade is a positive activity for the economy of a country and more like ours that we have been going through the biggest economic crisis ever seen in our country, but that nevertheless Faced with the phenomenon of emigration, many people decided to continue betting on the development of the country and keep their santamarias open, providing new income to the Venezuelan capital.

muchisimas tiendas comerciales con particularidades distintas en cuanto al diseño de las mismas pueden apreciarce por los cuatro puntos cardinales de esta obra, pues en cada tienda o espacio comercial se puede encontrar algun elemento del diseño que realze la estética de este imponente centro comercial el cual se encuentra al 100% de su operatividad algo que es sumamente importante pues el comercio es una actividad positiva para la economia de un país y más como la nuestra que hemos estado pasando por la mayor crisis económica nunca antes vista en nuestro pais, pero que sin embargo ante el fenomeno de la emigración muchas personas decidieron seguir apostando por el desarrollo del pais y mantienen sus santamarias abiertas proporcinando nuevos ingresos al capital venezolano

The store designs are all incredible, but I will share with you some of them that caught my attention. I believe that design plays a fundamental role in commercial and mercantile activities, since a good design will immediately capture the attention of anyone who walks through it. place and will turn it into a potential client according to the needs of the clients and above all and the main thing the budget with which it counts to acquire goods and services

los diseños de las tiendas estan increibles todos, pero compartire con ustedes algunos de ellos que llamaron mi atencion, creo que el diseño juega un papel fundamental en las actividades comerciales y mercantiles pues un buen diseño captara inmediatamente la atencion de cualquiera persona que transite por el lugar y lo convertira en un potencial cliente de acuerdo a las necesidades de los clientes y sobre todo y lo principal el presupuesto con el que cuente para adquirir bienes y servicios

Next I show you a space in this shopping center designed for the sale of food. Personally, it is the first time that I have come across such a large place where you can see that this place is suitable for a large number of people and for the variety of foods. There is no need to worry because there are many places that are adjacent to this place such as pizzerias, hamburgers, hot dogs, ice creams, lunches of all kinds among another great and extensive variety, it only depends on the taste of the client.

a continuación les muestro un espacio de este centro comercial diseñado para la venta de comidas en lo personal primera vez que me encuentro con un lugar tan amplio donde se puede apreciar que esta capacitado este lugar para una gran cantidad de personas y por la variedad de comidas no hay que preocuparse pues son muchísimos locales que se encuentran adyacentes a este lugar tales como pizzeria, hamburguesas, perros calientes, helados, almuerzos de todos lo tipos entre otra gran y estensa variedad solo depende del gusto del cliente

I was able to get this structure that reminded me of a similar one that on a certain occasion, by the way, was last year at the Unimall shopping center in El Tigre. I visualized it and I think they have great similarities. Now I am curious to know if it was made by the same that other mall

pude conseguirme con esta estructura que me recordo a una similar que en cierta ocacion por cierto fue el año pasado en el centro comercial unimall en el tigre la visualice y creo que tienen gran similitud ahora me da curiosidad saber si fue realizado por los mismos que realizaron aquel otro centro comercial

These are some optional entrances to this shopping center that definitely must have the capacity to serve at least a quarter of the inhabitants of the capital of the state of Aragua without becoming congested in any way because its parking lot is gigantic.

está son algunas entradas opcionales a este centro comercial que definitivamente debe tener capacidad para atender a por lo menos una cuarta parte de los habitantes de la capital del estado Aragua sin llegar a congestionarse en ningun sentido pues de igual manera su estacionamiento es gigantesco

These are some of the many stores that I was able to photograph and trying to summarize as much as possible this great experience, I hope that I do not leave any other important information about this milestone out, because I believe that each space of this colossal place should be shown to the world with pride. because it not only represents its owners, it also represents us because it is part of our architectural heritage of this and new present and future generations

estas son algunas de las tantas tiendas que pude fotografiar y tratando de resumir lo mas que pueda esta gran experiencia espero que no deje algun otro dato importante de este hito por fuera pues creo que cada espacio de este colosal lugar deberia ser mostrado al mundo con orgullo pues no solamente representa a sus propietarios también nos representa a nosotros porque es parte de nuestro patrimonio arquitectónico de esta y nuevas generaciones presentes y futuras

The cinema has a particularity because in its internal part it has a commercial plane. This seems truly impressive to me, since the effort made by all the people who contributed to the construction of this modern jewel of architecture is obvious at first glance.

el cine tiene una particularidad pues en su parte interna posee un avion comercial esto me parece verdaderamente impresionante pues se nota a simple vista el esfuerzo realizados por todas las personas que contribuyeron para la construcción de esta joya moderna de la arquitectura

I will leave you part of what I was able to walk through this shopping center I hope you like it because each design that can be seen is part of a project of a creative hired by an owner to let their imagination fly and create truly amazing designs as you can see more below

les dejare parte de lo que pude pasearme por este centro comercial espero les guste pues cada diseño que se puede evidenciar forma parte de algun proyecto de un creativo contratado por un dueño para dejar volar su imaginación y crear verdaderos diseños asombrosos como podran ver mas a continuación

Well, dear friends, thank you very much for your attention. I hope you liked the content. See you another time. Blessings to all. It is important to mention that I edited the cover photo using the Canva photo editor and all the images are my property. See you in the next one.

bueno apreciados amigos muchisimas gracias por su atencion espero les haya gustado el contenido nos vemos en otra oportunidad bendiciones para todos es importante mencionar que la foto de portada la edite utilizando editor de fotos canva y todas las imagenes son de mi propiedad nos vemos en la próxima

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It is really very impressive this place. I don't think I could go all over it, I would get tired. It is an excellent site and I was struck by the large number of stores it houses.
Thank you for showing it to us.

Es realmente muy impresionante este lugar. Yo creo que no pudiera recorrerlo completo, me cansaría. Es un sitio excelente y me llamó la atención la gran cantidad de tiendas que alberga.
Gracias por mostrarnoslo.

Hello dear friend, I hope you are very well, thank you very much for your visit. I am very glad that you liked it and this shopping center is truly great. Happy day, a hug @jordy0827

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Greetings dear friend @armasdiaze. Wow! I've never encountered a commercial complex like your featured building. With its airplane-inspired concept, it's truly an extraordinary experience to be in its presence. I'm amazed by its surprisingly high ceilings, creating the feeling of being inside an actual airport. Add to that the exhibitions of real airplanes, this is one place where your mind definitely gets blown away. Congrats for taking us on a virtual architectural tour inside Venezuela's largest shopping center! 👍😊

greetings dear friend @storiesoferne, thank you for your valuable appreciation, I am very happy that you have been amazed, before creating the content I thought that this should definitely impress you, Blessings to you always 😊

 10 months ago  

Congratulations @armasdiaze! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Anthology™ 31. More power!


Thank you for subscribing to Architecture+Design, an OCD incubated community on the Hive Blockchain.

It is an honor, thank you very much for valuing my content appreciated friend @aplusd Blessings 🙏

 10 months ago  

It is an honor for us too dear @armasdiaze to feature your superb publications. Continue blessing us with your interesting stories! 😀

thank you very much dear friend @aplusd, that is a fact ☺️

Happy afternoon ! That place is wonderful and very large, ideal to go for a walk and clear your mind just by seeing so many beautiful things, I loved how the sky was that day.


an expectacular climate with a great architecture that is good that you liked it greetings and blessings

It is impressive the design of the roof, the armor gives it life, very nice that mall.

Greetings dear @doriangel ub pleasure to greet you and thank you for your visit I am very happy that you liked a hug

Hi @armasdiaze, what a spectacular mall, I loved the airplane in the cinema and all the decoration alluding to airplanes and airports, you can see the great work that the architects did, the name is very linked to the design, it gives the feeling of being literally in an airport.
It is perfect to go shopping with friends and visit the stores; I imagine that it takes several hours to go around, this mall is a must in Maracay.

Happy afternoon!

Thank you for your visit dear friend, and ultimately this shopping center with its aeronautical theme gives it a touch of difference in terms of design. Greetings and blessings appreciated @belkyscabrera