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RE: [ESP] Observando las aceras de la Urbanización. [ENG] Observing the sidewalks of the Urbanization.

Thank you for highlighting this issue. We also have the same problem in some areas of our country. The sidewalk damage caused by outgrown tree roots poses a hazard. I am not a landscape designer nor urban planner either but it's great that you have emphasized this important subject.


Hello. Good morning. Thank you for your comment. This case is common in several cities and populated centers. The disrecognise of the ecosystem on the part of landscapers is one of the determining factors. That's why architects, engineers and especially investors should be watching over planting to rule out future problems when trees grow. Greetings and blessings.

Hola. Buenos días. Gracias por su comentario. Este caso es común en varias ciudades y centros poblados. El desconocimiento del ecosistema por parte de los paisajistas es uno de los factores determinantes. Es por eso que los arquitectos, ingenieros y especialmente los inversionistas deben estar pendientes a la hora de la siembra para descartar problemas futuros cuando los árboles crezcan. Saludos y bendiciones.