La Catedral de Santa María de las Fiores-Florencia / The Cathedral of Santa Maria delle Fiori-Florence [ESP/ENG]

in Architecture+Design2 years ago (edited)

Hola amigos de Hive.

Hoy os quiero mostrar mi primera vista a la Catedral de las Catedrales.
Today I want to show you my first visit to the Cathedral of Cathedrals.

Santa María de las Fiores, "El Duomo" de Florencia.
También llamada Santa María de la Flor.
Santa Maria delle Fiori, "The Duomo" of Florence.
Also called Santa Maria delle Fiori.

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Fachada Principal / Main facade.
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¿Qué puedo decir de ella? Pues sencillamente tras bajar del tren de Roma-Florencia y llegar a pie a la plaza del Duomo.
Te quedas sin palabras.
O al menos eso me ocurrió a mi.

Fue un día muy frío de primeros de Noviembre de hace dos años, de cielos nublados y lluvioso. Antes de que las mascarillas y los geles alcohólicos fueran el día a día de todos.En ese momento en que vi, la plaza super concurrida y la bella blancura de la Catedral, es asombroso.

Muy diferente a el resto de Catedrales que había conocido hasta ese momento. Gótico y renacimiento Italiano en estado puro. Italia ha sido desde siempre la magna entre los artistas.

What can I say about it? Simply after getting off the train from Rome-Florence and walking to the Duomo square.
You are speechless
Or at least that's what happened to me.

It was a very cold day in early November two years ago, with cloudy skies and rain. Before face masks and alcoholic gels were everyone's daily routine, at that moment I saw, the super crowded square and the beautiful whiteness of the Cathedral, it's amazing.

Very different from all the other cathedrals I had seen up to that point. Gothic and Italian renaissance in its purest form. Italy has always been the greatest among artists.

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Detalles Fachada/Details Facade.

Nada más entrar en la zona antigua de Florencia te trasladas al pasado.

Mientras esperas la cola de entrada a la Catedral, aprovechas para disfrutar de su espectacular exterior de mármol.
Esculturas de ángeles y diferentes personajes, entrelazan la sobriedad de su fachada rectilínea.

Ya su exterior te promete y te proyecta la belleza y amplitud de su interior.
Esas magnitudes a los que en el siglo XIII se atrevieron y consiguieron construir esta grandiosa obra de arte sin duda alguna.

En aquellos tiempos en los que los maestros, con bocetos y maquetas de piezas a pequeña escala, hacían los cálculos para que estas grandes obras se llevaran a cabo.

Sencillamente, increíble.

As soon as you enter the old part of Florence you are transported back in time.

While you wait in line to enter the Cathedral, you take the opportunity to enjoy its spectacular marble exterior.
Sculptures of angels and different characters intertwine with the sobriety of its rectilinear façade

Already its exterior promises you the beauty and spaciousness of its interior.
The magnitude of those who in the 13th century dared and managed to build this grandiose work of art without a doubt.

In those times when the masters, with sketches and models of small-scale pieces, made the calculations for these great works to be carried out.

Simply incredible.

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Detalle interior, Nave central./ Interior detail, central nave.

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Detalles pavimento y criptas/ Paving and crypt details.
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Al entrar por sus regias puertas de madera , las puertas del paraíso, talladas con todo tipo de detalles plasmados, ya te hace sentir minúsculo, por su grandeza y su soberbio tamaño.

Nada más entrar, mis ojos recorrieron todo lo que podían sin parar de moverse.
Es una sensación de querer ver y no perder detalle de nada, por su gran variedad de bellos detalles y trabajos expuestos.

Un detalle que me enamoró y tal vez no sea un trabajo tan importante son los grandes candelabros de entrada a la catedral.
En su interior con una temperatura asombrosamente mucho mayor que la del exterior, el calor de las velas te daba la sensación de acogimiento perfecta en un lugar de culto Cristiano.

Entering through its regal wooden doors, the gates of paradise, carved with all kinds of details, already makes you feel tiny, because of its grandeur and its superb size.

As soon as I entered, my eyes went over everything they could without stopping moving.
It is a sensation of wanting to see and not miss anything, because of the great variety of beautiful details and works on display.

One detail that I fell in love with, and perhaps not such an important work, is the large candelabra at the entrance to the cathedral.
Inside, at a temperature surprisingly much warmer than outside, the warmth of the candles gave you the perfect feeling of cosiness in a Christian place of worship

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Esa visión de geometría tan desarrollada que ya se muestra en esta Catedral, es algo muy llamativo.
Podemos ver detalles tales como este reloj de Paolo di Dono, expuesto en su pared y muestra extraordinaria de sus múltiples estudios sobre la perspectiva y la proyección.

Su pavimento de piezas de mármol haciendo figuras geométricas y creando perspectivas a similitud con la cúpula de la catedral.

This highly developed vision of geometry, which is already shown in this cathedral, is something very striking.
We can see details such as this clock by Paolo di Dono, exhibited on its wall and an extraordinary example of his multiple studies on perspective and projection

Its pavement of marble pieces making geometric figures and creating perspectives similar to the dome of the cathedral.

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Detalle de pavimento con proyección de cúpula./Detail of pavement with dome projection.

Las elaboradas y detalladas vidrieras dejan pasar la luz, con una amplia variedad de colores y un exquisito gusto.

La Catedral es imponente en todos los sentidos, su campanario con aproximadamente 85 metros de altura.

Y entre tantas piezas de incalculable valor, como broche final, los frescos de su cúpula. Frescos realizados por los artistas Vasari y Zucchero.
Os dejo un enlace para poder investigar un tanto más sobre ello:

The elaborate and detailed stained glass windows let in the light, with a wide variety of colours and exquisite taste.

The Cathedral is imposing in every way, its bell tower is approximately 85 metres high.

And among so many pieces of incalculable value, as a finishing touch, the frescoes of its dome. Frescoes by the artists Vasari and Zucchero.
I leave you a link to investigate a little more about it:

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Si ganas tenía de ver la Capital del Arte, más ganas tengo de volver a pasear por sus calles y esta vez, quedarme más tiempo para poder deleitarme de todo lo que tiene para mostrar.
If I was looking forward to seeing the Capital of Art, I am even more looking forward to strolling through its streets again and this time, staying longer to enjoy all that it has to offer.


Imágenes capturadas con / Images captured with Samsung Galaxy S21 2.021.
Todos los derechos / All rights reserved by @Garvi.

¡Espero os guste !
I hope you liked it !
Creador de contenido desde 2.017
Content creator since 2.017

Thanks for sharing. This is one of my favorite building too. It is incredible!

Hello @sjarvie5.
Thank you very much for stopping by my post and sharing your opinion.
It really is a marvellous place to visit whenever you can.

Best regards my friend 😊

I've always wanted to see this one!

Hello @laurabellamy.
Well, being a great art enthusiast, as you are.

I'm sure you'll enjoy it very much.

You have to make a hole in your agenda and visit it ;)

Thank you very much for your always nice comments.
Best regards my friend😊

Oh my, this ceiling is very impressive.

Hello @afterglow.
The photo really doesn't do him justice, he is so much older and beautiful in person.
Thank you very much for your comments and for reading me my friend.😊

You're welcome (^_^)

Hello beautiful, what memories, Italy is something special for churches and art.
I'm sorry I lost all my photos from those times.
We were backpacking for 15 days haha what those times.
The one that impressed me the most was the one in Milan.
Now it would be completely different visits since we have different interests from when we were 20 years old.
I can no longer travel since I have three kittens to attend to work more, the same if I win the lottery this Christmas lol what dreams
good pretty happy day

Hola guapa, que recuerdos, Italia es algo especial para iglesias y arte.
Siento haber perdido todas mis fotos de esos tiempos.
Estuvimos 15 dias de mochileros jaja que tiempos aquellos.
La que más me impresiono fue la de Milán.
Ahora sería unas visitas completamente distintas ya que tenemos distintos intereses de cuando teníamos 20 años.
ya no puedo viajar ya que tengo tres gatitos que atender mas el trabajo, igual si toca la lotería estas navidades jejje que sueños
bueno guapa feliz día

Hola amiga.
Es un sitio maravilloso y sí que es cierto que depende la edad que tengas te gustan más unas cosas que otras :)
Igualmente, Florencia es un lugar que gusta a todos 😉
Feliz finde!

Hola amiga.
It's a wonderful place and it's true that depending on your age you like some things more than others :)
Anyway, Florence is a place that everyone loves 😉
Have a happy weekend!


Hello @garvi. What an epic piece of architecture! Like you, I'd also be absolutely speechless when standing in front of the Cathedral of Santa Maria delle Fiori. Its glorious ornamentations, carvings, and decorations would keep your eyes glued and most probably bulging for a long time because of all the mesmerizing details that surround that place. Moreover, that fabulous Candelabra at the church entrance is definitely an artistic masterpiece. Without a doubt, the Italians are known worldwide as the experts of the craft as clearly exhibited in their outstanding projects. Thank you so much for sharing this spectacular architectural marvel, my friend! 😊

Hello @storiesoferne.
Thank you so much for your always great comment 😊

Have a happy weekend, my friend!

The facade of the building is mesmerizing. But the internal patterns are just amazing, I can imagine what emotions you experienced while visiting this work of art!

Thank you very much for visiting my post and posting such nice comments.

It is truly one of those experiences that you will never forget.

Best regards my friend.😊

Wow this beautiful @garvi thanks for sharing

Thank you so much @smilestitches for your great coment!

Best regards.😊

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Thank you so much @diyhub 😊

Best Regards and Happy weekend!

 2 years ago  

Well done @garvi! We're happy to inform you that this publication was specially curated and awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Brew #49. Congratulations!


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Thank you so much @aplusd 😊

 2 years ago  

Always a great pleasure to have you with us dear @garvi. Keep up the awesome posts. 😊