Hospital Central de San Cristobal - Tachira -Venzuela / Central Hospital of San Cristobal - Tachira -Venzuela [ES/EN]

¡Hola a todos en la comunidad! Espero que se encuentren muy bien el dia de hoy.

Hello everyone in the community! I hope you are very well today.

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Me gustaria mostrarles el hospital en el que trabajo actualmente, mejor dicho, en donde estoy realizando mis pasantias clinicas, les hablare un poco sobre su historia y el buen trabajo que realizo el presidente de su epoca el Gral. Marco Perez Jimenez.

I would like to show you the hospital where I currently work, rather, where I am doing my clinical internships, I will tell you a little about its history and the good work that the president of his time, General Marco Perez Jimenez, did.


El hospital se encuentra ubicado cerca del centro de la ciudad, en la Avenida Lucio Oquendo.

The hospital is located near the city center, on Avenida Lucio Oquendo.

Primero que nada debemos saber que San Cristobal es la capital de uno de los estados (Provincias) de Venezuela, su gentilicio es el Sancristobalense y somos personas muy amigables, correctas y conocidos en todo el pais por nuestra cordialidad.

First of all we must know that San Cristobal is the capital of one of the states (Provinces) of Venezuela, its name is Sancristobalense and we are very friendly, correct people and known throughout the country for our cordiality.



Nos remontamos al año 1957 cuando se inicio su construccion, para el año, era todo un hito moderno por su estructura, infraestructura y tecnologia hospitalaria. Se esperaba que cubriera las necesidades de los ciudadanos del Tachira y los estados adyacentes, pero por su gran tamaño y excelente manejo medico, muchos ciudadanos del pais fronterizo, Colombia, iban tambien a tratarse alli.

A pesar que el gobierno del Gral. Marcos Perez Jimenez empezo su construccion, este no fue inaugurado hasta el año siguiente, el 14 de julio de 1958 donde posterior a la caida de su dictadura, el gobierno de transicion para esa epoca, inauguraria dicho hospital.

We go back to 1957 when its construction began, for the year, it was a modern landmark due to its structure, infrastructure and hospital technology. It was expected to meet the needs of the citizens of Tachira and the adjacent states, but due to its large size and excellent medical management, many citizens of the border country, Colombia, were also treated there.

Although the government of Gral. Marcos Perez Jimenez began its construction, it was not inaugurated until the following year, on July 14, 1958, where after the fall of his dictatorship, the transitional government for that time, would inaugurate said hospital .

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Es un hospital tipo 4, esto quiere decir que se atiende todo tipo de emergencia y se realiza un sin fin de actos quirurgicos, cuenta con 10 pisos, cada uno con un grupo de especialistas y servicios que son totalmente gratuitos para los ciudadanos.

It is a type 4 hospital, this means that all types of emergencies are attended and an endless number of surgical acts are carried out, it has 10 floors, each with a group of specialists and services that are totally free for citizens.

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I hope you liked my publication, you can help me with an upvote and leaving your comment, you can also follow me on Instagram as @Jhoansz on Twitter @Jhoansz and on Discord as Jhoancp#7070


 3 years ago  

Greetings @jhoancp, this is our first Healthcare Design post. We warmly welcome you to the Architecture + Design Community!

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The Architecture+Design Community is an Active Member of the OCD Communities Incubation Program

Hello @jhoancp, thank you for showcasing the hospital where you currently work in! We're also delighted to welcome you, a healthcare professional, into the Architecture+Design Community! It would be great to see more healthcare projects featured here in the near future, as this would add flavor to our discussions and to the interesting mix of our architectural content. Best regards!

I also hope to see new projects, thanks for the welcome, I am at your service to the whole community!