Puerto Banús, diseño y lujo de otras décadas | Puerto Banús, design and luxury of other decades

in Architecture+Design3 years ago

Enamorarse de un lugar en el mundo puede hacer que jamás quieras marcharte de allí, pero cuando esa belleza no sólo quieres compartirla sino que te propones señalarla en el mapa mundial sin que a nadie se le pase inadvertida es lo que un día hace 51 años se propone un constructor inmobiliario madrileño de un precioso puerto pesquero del sur de España. Así nace Puerto Banús, un lujoso enclave en la población malagueña de Marbella donde hasta la fecha era un humilde barrio de pescadores con muchas posibilidades de crecimiento.

When you fall in love with a place in the world, you may never want to leave it, but when you not only want to share that beautiful place and also want to put it on the world map and not let it go unnoticed, that is what one day 51 years ago a real estate builder from Madrid decided to do in a beautiful fishing port in the south of Spain. And so Puerto Banús was born, a luxurious location in the town of Marbella in Malaga, where until then it had been a humble fishing village with many possibilities for growth.


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José Banús soñaba a diario con un proyecto en su paraíso malagueño, pero no antes de construir urbanizaciones en la provincia para bolsillos privilegiados, estos paraísos inmobiliarios y nuestro clima atrajeron a personalidades del mundo del cine, de las artes, Nobles y resto de familias reales europeas, precisamente este crecimiento de Marbella como lugar vacacional de personalidades hizo fortalecer la idea de proponerla como lugar a tener en cuenta y proponerla para un proyecto grande. Con este marco nace el proyecto de construir un punto y final que llevaría a esta población a conocerse mundialmente y entre José Banús, Noldi Schreck y el arquitecto mexicano Marcos Sainz diseñaron lo que es hoy este increíble lugar, Noldi Schreck que por cierto participó en el diseño de Beverly Hills y Marcos Sainz idearon un diseño espectacular que José Banús frenó para no desentonar con el entorno de los pueblos andaluces pero tanto el tamaño del Puerto como su increíble estructura de dársenas acompañadas de estructuras de locales alrededor del puerto sobre las que se levantan edificaciones al más puro estilo de pueblo andaluz.

José Banús dreamt every day of a project in his Malaga paradise, but not before building developments in the province for privileged pockets, these real estate paradises and our climate attracted personalities from the world of cinema, the arts, Nobles and other European royal families, precisely this growth of Marbella as a holiday resort for personalities made the idea of proposing it as a place to take into account and proposing it for a large project grow stronger. In this context, the project to build a point and end that would bring this town to be known around the world was born and between José Banús, Noldi Schreck and the Mexican architect Marcos Sainz, they designed what is today this incredible place, Noldi Schreck, who incidentally participated in the design of Beverly Hills, and Marcos Sainz came up with a spectacular design that José Banús stopped to avoid clashing with the environment of the Andalusian villages, but both the size of the Port and its incredible structure of docks accompanied by local structures around the port on which buildings are built in the style of an Andalusian village.


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Todo comenzó en los años sesenta con su construcción y aunque la historia de Puerto Banús se inicia en 1970 continua siendo uno de los puertos deportivos de mayor tamaño de Europa y concentra en sus calles una de las mayores colecciones de boutiques de marcas prestigiosas de moda, restaurantes de lujo y hoteles de la máxima categoría así como vehículos de altísima gama y yates de las más impresionantes dimensiones y precios.

It all began in the sixties with its construction and although the history of Puerto Banús began in 1970, it continues to be one of the largest marinas in Europe and concentrates in its streets one of the largest collections of boutiques of prestigious fashion brands, luxury restaurants and hotels of the highest category as well as vehicles of the highest range and yachts of the most impressive dimensions and prices.


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Puerto Banús es el resultado de un proyecto donde no solo englobaba lo estrictamente arquitectónico, su puesta de largo tuvo como embajadores al mismísimo Príncipe Rainiero y su hermosa esposa y actriz Grace Kelly junto a otras muchas personalidades del mundo del cine, moda, deportes y nobleza mundial, de aquí en adelante se asociaron a este lugar apellidos de renombre como los Thyssen, la Casa de Alba, los Bismarck, personalidades del cine como Sean Connery, las herederas del principado de Mónaco y un largo etcétera que hizo de este lugar famoso en todo el mundo a la vez que lo hizo prohibitivo para quienes nos consideramos vecinos y que como en mi caso habré visitado cuatro o cinco veces, ya ha cambiado, su acceso se hace más extensivo a cualquier bolsillo por la caída del turismo a causa de la Pandemia que ha dado con el cierre de alguna boutique y restaurante exclusivo pero el precio se cualquier resiedencia o amarre supera en muchos miles el de cualquier puerto deportivo del resto de la provincia y me atrevo a decir por encima de cualquier puerto deportivo europeo.

Puerto Banus is the result of a project which not only included the strictly architectural, its launch had as ambassadors Prince Rainier himself and his beautiful wife and actress Grace Kelly along with many other personalities from the world of cinema, fashion, sports and world nobility, from here onwards renowned surnames were associated with this place such as the Thyssen, the House of Alba, the Bismarcks, cinema celebrities like Sean Connery, the princesses of the Principality of Monaco and a long etcetera that made this place famous all over the world and at the same time made it prohibitive for those of us who consider ourselves neighbours and which, as in my case, I will have visited four or five times, has already changed, Access to it is now more accessible to all pockets due to the fall in tourism as a result of the Pandemic which has led to the closure of some boutiques and exclusive restaurants but the price of any slip or mooring is many thousands more than any other marina in the rest of the province and I daresay more than any other European marina.


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I used a web translator for english text (DeepL)

By @jvb71



Who wouldn't fall in love with an architectural landmark that's as gorgeous and stunning as Puerto Banús? It's love at first sight for me! That location is certainly a real estate paradise and is truly worthy of its world-class atmosphere - gathering renowned celebrities, personalities, and events that some of us would only dream of.

One would have never imagined how a humble fishing village could be completely transformed into an ultra-modern European marina. What's your favorite place to hang out there @jvb71?

Thanks @storiesoferne, If you have a yacht, a lunch on the high seas, lol, but if you are just visiting the place there are top class restaurants in the area, Inimitable is a good option with phenomenal reviews where fusion cuisine blends with the rich Mediterranean diet.

Oh yeah, why not? haha. I'd absolutely become ecstatic while cruising on a yacht in that marina and its outer waterways. And I'll also end the day by stuffing myself with exquisite food at their top-notched restaurants. Will definitely check out Inimitable. Cheers!

I like it. Thanks for sharing

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