Habana Golf Club, a place for healthy enjoyment [ESP-ENG]

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Hello friends of Arquitectura +Diseño, I wish you a good day and a fruitful week, I want to show you a unique place in Havana, the Habana Golf Club, better known by Cubans as "El Golfito de Capdevila". It is called "golfito" because it is a golf course of only 9 holes or greens and not 18 holes as they usually are, despite not being a popular sport for Cubans, the place is quite visited because the facility is a large recreational complex that has a swimming pool, restaurant, cafeteria, party room and of course the golf course. In my particular case I went to the place invited by a friend who had already visited it and liked the place and the service received, so we went to eat. I took advantage of the fact that I did not have to work that day and went early, when the facilities were not yet open to the public, I talked to the people in charge and they let me go in early and take pictures.

Hola amigos de Arquitectura +Diseño, les deseo un buen día y una fructífera semana, quiero mostrarles un lugar único en La Habana, el Habana Golf Club, más conocido por los cubanos como "El Golfito de Capdevila". Se llama "golfito" porque es un campo de golf de solo 9 hoyos o greens y no de 18 hoyos como suelen ser, a pesar de no ser un deporte popular para los cubanos, el lugar es bastante visitado porque la instalación es un gran complejo recreativo que cuenta con piscina, restaurante, cafetería, salón de fiestas y por supuesto el campo de golf. En mi caso particular fui al lugar invitada por una amiga que ya lo había visitado y le había gustado el lugar y el servicio recibido, así que fuimos a comer. Aproveché que no tenía que trabajar ese día y fui temprano, cuando las instalaciones aún no estaban abiertas al público, hablé con los responsables y me dejaron entrar antes y hacer fotos.

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I have been looking for information about the emergence of this facility and in truth every time I find some bibliography they make reference to different dates and data, even the workers of the place have also provided me with information that I have not been able to verify its veracity. I have only found in safe pages the commercialization of the place. A worker explained to me that it was built in the 50's and that its origins are linked to the Contry Club that existed in the municipality of Playa, which suggested in 1911 and was sponsored by the diplomatic headquarters of the United Kingdom and by necessity of the land they moved it by Capdevila, but when I started to review sources, no safe one led me to this conclusion, therefore in the face of so much doubt, I will base this post on my visit to the place. What I can say is that many of its workers have been working here for many years, some more than 20 years, and they know a lot about the place and speak with great pride about it.

He estado buscando información sobre el surgimiento de esta instalación y en verdad cada vez que encuentro alguna bibliografía hacen referencia a diferentes fechas y datos, incluso los trabajadores del lugar también me han proporcionado información que no he podido comprobar su veracidad. Solo he encontrado en páginas seguras la comercialización del lugar. Un trabajador me explicó que se construyó en los años 50 y que sus orígenes están ligados al Contry Club que existía en el municipio de Playa, el cual sugirió en 1911 y fue patrocinado por la sede diplomática del Reino Unido y por necesidad del terreno lo trasladaron por Capdevila, pero cuando me puse a revisar fuentes, ninguna segura me llevó a esta conclusión, por lo tanto ante tanta duda, basaré este post en mi visita al lugar. Lo que sí puedo decir es que muchos de sus trabajadores llevan muchos años trabajando aquí, algunos más de 20 años y saben mucho del lugar y hablan con mucho orgullo de él.

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These photos show that in spite of the years and the almost null presence of the club members, at present, the whole field has continued to be maintained and cared for, I am not a fan of this sport, but the area it covers seems to me very nice to see, the grass is well cut and the greenery floods, for good, the whole place, the workers take good care of it, they feel love for it.

Estas fotos demuestran que a pesar de los años y la casi nula presencia de los socios del club, en la actualidad, se ha seguido manteniendo y cuidando todo el campo, no soy aficionado a este deporte, pero la zona que abarca me parece muy agradable de ver, el césped está bien cortado y el verdor inunda, para bien, todo el lugar, los trabajadores lo cuidan mucho, sienten amor por él.

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Very close to the last hole of the course there is a cafeteria with the symbolic name of Hole 19, as a worker explained to me, in the 18-hole golf courses there is always very close to the last hole a space where golfers meet to talk, have a drink and share experiences, it is called that way, that is why they wanted to keep the name. It is a small but very cozy place, all the walls, including the ceilings, are covered with varnished wood, the door and windows have wooden frames and large panes of glass. Above the windows just below the ceiling there are decorative pictures with golfers in different playing positions. In a space between the bathrooms there are three bags for clubs, it is decorative. The whole place has pictures on the walls of players who have been photographed. The furniture is mahogany, with armchairs, round tables and benches. At the entrance the columns simulate logs as well as the bar, the imitation is a bit rustic, but I liked the place a lot, it is different from the rest of the buildings.

Muy cerca del último hoyo del campo hay una cafetería con el nombre simbólico de Hoyo 19, según me explicó un trabajador, en los campos de golf de 18 hoyos siempre hay muy cerca del último hoyo un espacio donde los golfistas se reúnen para hablar, tomar algo y compartir experiencias, se llama así, por eso han querido mantener el nombre. Es un lugar pequeño pero muy acogedor, todas las paredes, incluidos los techos, están cubiertas de madera barnizada, la puerta y las ventanas tienen marcos de madera y grandes cristales. Sobre las ventanas justo debajo del techo hay cuadros decorativos con golfistas en diferentes posiciones de juego. En un espacio entre los baños hay tres bolsas para palos, es decorativo. Todo el lugar tiene cuadros en las paredes de jugadores que han sido fotografiados. El mobiliario es de caoba, con sillones , mesas redondas y bancos. En la entrada las columnas simulan troncos al igual que el bar, la imitación es un poco rústica, pero el lugar me gustó mucho, es diferente al resto de los edificios.

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Next to the cafeteria is the restaurant "La Estancia", to reach it you have to climb 5 steps covered by an awning and cross a short corridor lined with vegetation, which beautifies the place. The entrance door is made of mahogany, very wide and with green glass all around. Inside you can appreciate the mahogany chairs and tables of semi-colonial style, upholstered in red, at the back there is a very nice big fish tank.
On the upper edge of the large room there are shelves, which function as a wine cellar, where customers can order wine according to the menu, in the front there is a bar for the preparation of drinks. From the glass windows you can see almost the entire golf course, according to what the workers told me, this building was built high up to serve as a viewpoint over the course.

Junto a la cafetería se encuentra el restaurante "La Estancia", para llegar a él hay que subir 5 escalones cubiertos por un toldo y cruzar un corto pasillo bordeado de vegetación, que embellece el lugar. La puerta de entrada es de caoba, muy amplia y con cristales verdes alrededor. En el interior se pueden apreciar las sillas y mesas de caoba de estilo semicolonial, tapizadas en rojo, al fondo hay una gran pecera muy bonita.
En el borde superior de la gran sala hay estanterías, que funcionan como cava, donde los clientes pueden pedir vino según el menú, en la parte delantera hay una barra para la preparación de bebidas. Desde las ventanas de cristal se puede ver casi todo el campo de golf, según me contaron los trabajadores, este edificio se construyó elevado para que sirviera de mirador del campo.




Leaving this building to the right we find an area to play Billiards, there are two tables, the area is open, has several columns and lots of lighting, the walls have posters allegorical to the main sport of the house, golf. Next, there is a bar to provide service to those who come to this area and to the pool that is on the other side.

Saliendo de este edificio a la derecha encontramos una zona para jugar al Billar, hay dos mesas, la zona es abierta, tiene varias columnas y mucha iluminación, las paredes tienen carteles alegóricos al deporte principal de la casa, el golf. A continuación hay una barra para dar servicio a los que acuden a esta zona y a la piscina que está al otro lado.

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I liked the pool area, although it is simple, it is a traditional square pool, it is surrounded by sun loungers, chairs and plastic tables with umbrellas for shade and pergolas, this pool underwent a remodeling process since the deepest part was 2.05 meters deep, it was filled in and is now 1.50 meters.

Me gustó el área de la piscina, aunque es sencilla, es una piscina cuadrada tradicional, está rodeada de tumbonas, sillas y mesas de plástico con sombrillas para la sombra y pérgolas, esta piscina sufrió un proceso de remodelación ya que la parte más profunda era de 2.05 metros de profundidad, se rellenó y ahora tiene 1.50 metros.

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There is a Caddys House, I could only see it from the outside, as you can see the entire facility is masonry with ceramic tile roofs, so the design has a classic twentieth century style, although it is good to note that in this area and in the party room that I have not yet shown, they made recent repairs and the windows and doors are aluminum, in the rest of the buildings is still wood. This area is where the contracts are signed with the different associates, there are instruments that are used in golf, to rent to those who need them to play, whether they are associates or not, clubs, balls, carts, etc. They also give instruction and explain the rules of the game for beginners. In addition, there is the Pro Shop, which is a small store for the sale of these implements and souvenirs such as key chains, T-shirts, caps, etc.

Hay un Caddys House, solo lo pude ver por fuera, como pueden ver toda la instalación es de mampostería con techos de tejas de cerámicas, por lo que el diseño tiene un estilo clásico del siglo XX, aunque es bueno señalar que en esta área y en el salón de fiestas que aún no he mostrado, hicieron reparaciones recientes y las ventanas y puertas son de aluminio, en el resto de las edificaciones sigue siendo de madera. Esta área es donde se firman los contratos con los diferentes asociados, hay instrumentos que se utilizan en el golf, para alquilar a quienes los necesitan para jugar, sean asociados o no, palos, bolas, carros, etc.Tambien dan instruccion y explican las reglas del juego para los novatos. Además, está el Pro Shop, que es una pequeña tienda para la venta de estos implementos y souvenir como llaveros, camisetas, gorras, etc.

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The next building is the Party Room, where activities of different companies are held and in the evenings it is a discotheque, its exterior appearance follows the design of the rest of the buildings. Upon entering there is a small and cozy reception area where there are two sofas and a small table, with a nice green tone on the walls. Next is the large lounge, on the sides there are some VIP areas, which have more comfortable seats, also green and isolated by railings, where customers are served in their seats. At the end is the bar for cocktail service, it has a striking design, stone veneer with mirrors, with a triangular shape on the ceiling. At the front there is a wooden stage for the artistic groups and in that place is the disc jockey booth. On the ceiling there are colored lights and different equipment for the night ambience.

El siguiente edificio es la Sala de Fiestas, donde se realizan actividades de diferentes empresas y por las noches es una discoteca, su aspecto exterior sigue el diseño del resto de edificios. Al entrar hay una pequeña y acogedora zona de recepción donde hay dos sofás y una pequeña mesa, con un bonito tono verde en las paredes. A continuación está el gran salón, a los lados hay unas zonas VIP, que cuentan con asientos más cómodos, también verdes y aislados por barandillas, donde los clientes son atendidos en sus asientos. Al final está la barra para el servicio de cócteles, tiene un diseño llamativo, enchapado en piedra con espejos, con una forma triangular en el techo. En la parte delantera hay un escenario de madera para los grupos artísticos y en ese lugar está la cabina del disc-jockey. En el techo hay luces de colores y diferentes equipos para el ambiente nocturno.

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In the center of the facilities there is a large parking lot that as you can see is empty, almost all the time I was there it remained that way, very few attended, at other times it was always full, hopefully those times come back because it is a very nice facility with several services and the food is very good. I did the tour as fast as I could because the place is very extensive, I must confess that I ended up tired hahaha, but I was amazed with this beautiful place. Ahhhh and of course, I also had lunch with my friend😋.
Greetings to all and I hope you liked it, currently in Cuba there are only two golf courses, this one as I said is only 9 holes and another one in Varadero which is 18 holes, it is not a sport that has to do with our idiosyncrasy, but we like that everyone even if they are few have the opportunity to enjoy their hobbies. See you next time.

En el centro de las instalaciones hay un gran estacionamiento que como pueden ver está vacío, casi todo el tiempo que estuve allí permaneció así, muy pocos asistieron, en otras ocasiones siempre estaba lleno, ojalá vuelvan esas épocas porque es una instalación muy bonita con varios servicios y la comida es muy buena. Hice el recorrido lo más rápido que pude porque el lugar es muy extenso, debo confesar que terminé cansada jajaja, pero quedé maravillada con este hermoso lugar. Ahhhh y por supuesto, también almorcé con mi amiga😋.
Saludos a todos y espero que les haya gustado, actualmente en Cuba solo hay dos campos de golf, este como dije es solo de 9 hoyos y otro en Varadero que es de 18 hoyos, no es un deporte que tenga que ver con nuestra idiosincrasia, pero nos gusta que todos aunque sean pocos tengan la oportunidad de disfrutar de sus aficiones. Hasta la próxima.

Gracias por su atencíon y su voto.gif

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Most of the photos were taken with my Huawei P20 lite cell phone, but some were from my friend's cell phone, an Iphone. I linked the photos and the farewell postcard with Canva.

La mayoría de las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Huawei P20 lite, pero algunas fueron del celular de mi amigo, un Iphone. He unido las fotos y la postal de despedida con Canva


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 last year  

Congratulations @lileisabel! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded GOLD MARK in Architecture Anthology™ 4. More power!


Thank you for subscribing to Architecture+Design, an OCD incubated community on the Hive Blockchain.

How much honor!!!! I feel very happy. I am very proud to receive the Gold Mark award, very grateful and congratulations to the rest, this encourages us to continue sharing quality content and strive every day to continue to enhance our community, Greetings and Congratulations to all !!!!

 last year  

Always an enormous pleasure to serve you dear @lileisabel. A much-deserved recognition for you indeed. Continue publishing exceptional posts in our beloved community. Kudos! 😀

It can be appreciated that this place comprises harmonious spaces among its facilities and in contact with nature.

Yes, it is a large facility that includes a lot of space, it is a very relaxing place that puts us in touch with nature and sports. Cheers

Fantastic feature of architecture @lileisabel! If I'm not mistaken, I believe this is the first time a golf course was featured in the Architecture+Design Community. Hence, it's a great privilege to have experienced one virtually from the beautiful country of Cuba! Thank you for showcasing it here! 😊

I understand that it's simply not easy to design a full-scale golf course as there are plenty of complex elements that need to be considered for a smooth sailing operation. If there was one aspect of that distinguished establishment that you'd like to see improved, what would it be and why?

Hi @storiesoferne , this place dazzled me just by standing in front of that golf course and my sight was lost in that greenery, also very attentive workers and see the veneration they feel for him, as soon as I heard them speak with that vehemence I could not resist my impulse and at the moment I thought that everyone should know that in Cuba despite the lack of culture about this sport there was this little place, hence the first thing I notice that it lacks is that it is not a widespread place, very few know it and it is a shame. There are several things that I would change because I am a little demanding hahaha. The columns that imitate logs at the entrance of Hole 19 are undoubtedly very rough and also have a cement color that takes away the originality of the wood veneer of that place that I loved, I did not like the benches of the interior furniture, with tables and chairs of wood enough and some high stools for the bar. I would remove the signs that are stuck on all the doors, they detract from them, plus the wooden ones need a touch up. That large parking area is not delimited or painted, everyone who enters and leaves the facility does so, so it is the first thing you see and gives the appearance of abandonment when in fact the course is very well maintained. The extension to 18 holes would be impossible because the adjoining lands are close to avenues and they solve it by going around the course twice. But if what they have was given more visibility and promotion it would be much better for the facility and all the effort they make to have the course well maintained would be much better rewarded.

Oh wow! Thanks a lot for your interesting insights @lileisabel! That's alright, I'm not interpreting your extensive ideas as demanding, lol. 🤣 It's just a matter of being more critically constructive in terms of architecture and design recommendations. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts! 😊👍

being able to play golf accompanied by warm sunny weather, definitely makes the heart cheerful @lileisabel

I'm glad you like it, in my country there are not many followers of this sport, but just put the view on that field is divine, greetings.

Está muy bonito el lugar y lo describes meticulosamente, creo yo no podría dar tantos detalles 😅, al terminar de leer y ver las fotos parecía que había asistido a tu almuerzo 😃

It is very nice the place and you describe it meticulously, I think I could not give so many details 😅, when I finished reading and seeing the photos it seemed that I had attended your lunch 😃.

Gracias jajaja, en verdad soy muy descriptiva, por eso publico en esta comunidad, es un lugar fabuloso y poco conocido, ahhh y la carne asada estaba deliciosa 👌😊

Thanks hahaha, I'm really very descriptive, that's why I post in this community, that place is fabulous and very little is known about it, ahhh and that roast beef was delicious 👌😊

 last year  

Dear @tierra-errante. As part of our community rules, we highly encourage authors to always add/provide the English language translations to their comments/replies that use other languages for the reading convenience of our international Hive audience. Thank you for your consideration.

Thanks for the clarification, sorry for the mistake, I will correct it right away.

The place is undoubtedly beautiful and I loved that part of the Hoyo 19 cafeteria, its structure and setting seem charming to me. It's good that he had the opportunity to go out and visit that place.

Yes dear, I also really liked that place, it's beautiful, I also love wooden buildings, here in the cities they are not abundant and those that exist are in poor condition, thanks for stopping by ❤️

Super happy to read your experience