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RE: [ENG] Urban Landscaping. Los Caobos Park / [ESP] Paisajismo Urbano. Parque Los Caobos

Hey @marcosmilano71 hope you're doing well. The stroll in such a beautiful park is such a refreshment. I loved the presence of water bodies, sculptures, nicely maintained green patched of grass and plants, the fountains. All such elements create a joyful experience for users.
Wonderful publications, have a great weekend:)


Hello @ sahiba-rana receives a respectful and cordial greeting from Venezuela. Thanks for commenting on this post. From this space I send you a big hug full of positive energy and lots of light.

Hola @sahiba-rana recibe un respetuoso y cordial saludo desde Venezuela. Gracias por comentar esta publicación. Desde este espacio te envío un fuerte abrazo cargado de energía positiva y mucha luz.

Thanks for the blessing, wish you the same:)