¨ShadowHuntersContest¨# 166 Las cosas suceden por alguna razón -Things happen for a reason (Español-Ingles)

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago
Hola apasionados de esta maravillosa ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨ Feliz de contar con este ¨espacio¨ en donde puedo comentar las cosas que me sucede en la ¨vida¨ ¨real¨; Saben que somos una familia unida que nos encanta hacer las cosas juntos; Cuando algo sucede a un integrante de la familia lo sentimos todos. Hace unos quince años mi esposa tuvo una ¨consulta¨ con un médico por unas ¨manchas¨ en los ¨ovarios¨; al ser una mujer de 37 años no era común presentar ese ¨cuadro¨; Lo cierto es que el ¨medico¨ se apresuró al tomar la decisión de extirpar por completo, es decir, decidió dejar estéril a una mujer joven, con los años supimos que fue una decisión desacertada, esta mala dedición desencadeno unas series de operaciones, tres para ser exacto, la ultima la estamos haciendo en este momento; Es la razón por la que habrán notado poca presencia en mis comentarios.

Source: Family Album

Hello fans of this wonderful ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨ Happy to have this ¨space¨ where I can comment on the things that happen to me in the ¨real¨ ¨life¨; They know that we are a close family that we love to do things together; When something happens to a family member, we all feel it. About fifteen years ago my wife had a "consultation" with a doctor for some "spots" on the "ovaries"; Being a 37-year-old woman, it was not common to present that "painting"; The truth is that the "doctor" rushed to make the decision to remove completely, that is, he decided to leave a young woman sterile, over the years we learned that it was a wrong decision, this bad decision triggered a series of operations, three To be exact, the last one we are doing right now; It is the reason why you will have noticed little presence in my comments.

Si bien se trataba de una ¨cirugía¨ sencilla, el ¨riesgo¨ siempre esta presenta al momento de la ¨anestesia¨, más en este caso que se optó por una de ¨punción¨ ¨lumbar¨ la idea era hacer la ¨operación¨ con mi esposa despierta; La ¨cirugía¨ duro mucho más de lo ¨previsto¨, fue la razón para optar por una segunda ¨anestesia¨, en esta caso la durmieron por completo; El efecto de la ¨anestesia¨ dura mucho más de lo ¨previsto¨ es lo que nos mantuvo muy preocupado, por suerte todo salió bien, ahora solo quedan los días de post operatorio: Ustedes se preguntaran porque estoy escribiendo esto; Lo hago porque los considero parte de mi familia, estamos tanto tiempo juntos al día, que finalmente terminamos como hermanos, además, es una manera de relajarme, muchas veces no puedes hablar de estas cosas con tus hijos y hace bien escribir sobre ello para relajar la tensión. Es lo que amo de nuestra compañía (Hive), nos brinda la oportunidad de comentar las cosas que nos pasan

Source: Family Album

Although it was a simple "surgery", the "risk" is always present at the time of "anesthesia", more in this case that a "puncture" was chosen. lumbar ¨ the idea was to do the ¨operation¨ with my wife awake; The "surgery" lasted much longer than "expected", was the reason for opting for a second "anesthesia", in this case they slept completely; The effect of the ¨anesthesia¨ lasts much longer than ¨expected¨ is what kept us very worried, luckily everything went well, now there are only post-operative days left: You will wonder why I am writing this; I do it because I consider them part of my family, we spend so much time together every day, that we finally end up as brothers, also, it is a way to relax, many times you cannot talk about these things with your children and it is good to write about it to relax the tension. It's what I love about our company (Hive), it gives us the opportunity to comment on the things that happen to us

No dispongo de mucho ¨tiempo¨, pero no quería dejar pasar sin publicar mis imágenes de ¨sombras¨. Muy ¨agradecido¨ con todos ustedes, por el ¨apoyo¨ y el ¨cariño¨ que siempre me ¨brindan¨, me hacen sentir ¨cómodo¨, como si estuviera en ¨casa¨.

Source: Family Album

I don't have much "time", but I didn't want to let my "shadow" images go unpublished. Very "grateful" to all of you, for the "support" and "affection" that you always "give me", they make me feel "comfortable", as if I were at "home".

Una comunidad es como una gran ¨familia¨, nos damos una ¨mano¨ uno a los otros, nos preocupamos cuando uno de nuestros amigos están ¨necesitados¨. Es por esta razón que amo nuestra compañía; La calidad humana

Source: Family Album

A community is like a big "family", we give a "hand" to each other, we worry when one of our friends is "in need". It is for this reason that I love our company; Human quality


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#posh compartido en mi redes sociales

I feel the same way about you and all my friends on Hive. I am so glad that we can all be here for each other. Surgery and anesthesia is always cause to worry. I hope she recovers quickly and is back to Shadow Hunting very soon. Give her a very gentle hug and tell her it's from me.
And thanks for taking time to create a shadow entry post! ♥️

I appreciate with all my heart this beautiful and emotional comment, dear friend @ melinda010100, you are a being of great light, without a doubt my wife will be very happy tomorrow.
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid night and happy dreams

I hope your wife is feeling better as we speak. Hugs. ❤

hello dear friend @nelinoeva good afternoon
My wife's health is good and she is evolving well, there is nothing to keep her in the clinic, we will be home soon. as the cut was internal, healing will take more than three months.
Thank you very much for your kind words, and the enormous support.
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoon

My friend @jlufer

It is beautiful to read these lines and to know how to value the community where there are people who support each other, shadowhunters and Hive in general is a dynamic network of support.
Certainly the hive is therapy for many and hence the creativity to express what you feel.

Your first picture I thought it was mine hahahahaha, then the one of the bridge and the shadow on the water nice and my favorites the beach, how I miss my tropics.

Everything went well and that's important, now I have to comply with the rest and the specialist's instructions.

I love you my special friend.
My friend @jlufer

It is beautiful to read these lines and to know how to value the community where there are people who support each other, shadowhunters and Hive in general is a dynamic network of support.
Certainly the hive is therapy for many and hence the creativity to express what you feel.

Your first picture I thought it was mine hahahahaha, then the one of the bridge and the shadow on the water nice and my favorites the beach, how I miss my tropics.

Everything went well and that's important, now I have to comply with the rest and the specialist's instructions.

I love you my special friend.

how are you dear friend @amandaj good night
People like you, and comments like this, is what makes me think and consider everyone as my family, in very few places on the web, there is this human quality. Thank you very much for these words in these moments of our lives.
I take this opportunity to wish you happy dreams.