💗 El de la mirada perdida 💗original poem [ESP/ENG] BY @mafer.writer

in Literatos3 years ago (edited)



El de la mirada perdida

Por: María G.

Ahí estaba él, con sus ojos rasgados
Y grisáceos, como el cielo cuando esta
A punto de llover.

Con sus labios agrietados, pero aun rosados
Que dejaban escapar un suspiro de alivio,
Con su nariz roja por el frío y las manos
entre los bolsillos.

El sol a punto de desaparecer se dibujaba
En su tez blanca, pálida como un lienzo
Y sin duda tan suave como el mismo.

Estaba allí, con su mirada perdida
Admirando el horizonte y yo, admirándolo a él.

English versión

The one with the lost look

By: María G.

There he was, with his eyes slanted
And grayish, like the sky when it's about to rain.
About to rain.

With his cracked, but still pink lips
That let out a sigh of relief,
With his nose red from the cold and his hands
between her pockets.

The sun about to disappear was outlined
On her white complexion, pale as a canvas
And no doubt as smooth as himself.

She stood there, with her gaze lost
Admiring the horizon and me, admiring him.

Espero que les haya gustado mi poema, nos leeremos pronto. ✍️❤️
// I hope you liked my poem, we will read each other soon. ✍️❤️