Reto 7 días de lectura - parte 2: Un libro de auto ayuda ✨ || 7 Days of Reading Challenge - Part 2: A self-help book ✨ [ESP/ENG]

in Hive Book Club3 years ago

Hola comunidad ❤️ hoy les quiero hablar de género literario que son muy importantes para nosotros los lectores que, andamos en busca de ayuda psicológica. Independientemente tengamos un problema grave o no, el simple hecho de leerlos por placer nos reconforta y nos hacen sentir muy bien. Últimamente me a llamado la atención leer libros de auto ayuda y superación personal, y ahora estoy leyendo uno llamado Los dones de la imperfección, y ¿porqué éste en particular?, Pues porque es un tema que en mi opinión es bastante interesante hoy en día y es algo que con toda ésta nueva tecnología de la era moderna digital, tener complejos, compararse, seguir estereotipos impuestos por nuestras marcas favoritas, incluso las mismas apariencias que los famosos nos quieren vender creyendo que la perfección existe, o por lo menos, muy parecida a ellos.

Hello community ❤️ today I want to talk about literary genres that are very important for us readers who are looking for psychological help. Regardless of whether we have a serious problem or not, the simple fact of reading them for pleasure comforts us and makes us feel very good. Lately I have been interested in reading self-help and self-improvement books, and now I am reading one called The gifts of imperfection, and why this one in particular? Well, because it is a topic that in my opinion is quite interesting nowadays and it is something that with all this new technology of the modern digital era, having complexes, comparing ourselves, following stereotypes imposed by our favorite brands, even the same appearances that celebrities want to sell us believing that perfection exists, or at least, very similar to them.

El mundo de los libros es tan maravilloso que lo que busques, lo puedes encontrar. Personalmente este tema me a interesado tanto al punto de buscar ayuda mediante estos libros, y buscando en internet me encontré con este qué desde que lo leí me gustó y también he sentido que me a ayudado mucho. Su autora Brené Brown se especializo en temas relacionados al miedo, la empatía, la vulnerabilidad y el coraje para saber superarlos, un libro dedicado a aquellas mujeres que quieran buscar un consuelo y grandes consejos como si estuvieras hablando con tu mejor amiga.

The world of books is so wonderful that whatever you are looking for, you can find it. Personally this topic has interested me so much to the point of looking for help through these books, and searching on the internet I found this one which since I read it I liked it and I have also felt that it has helped me a lot. Its author Brené Brown specialized in topics related to fear, empathy, vulnerability and courage to overcome them, a book dedicated to those women who want to seek comfort and great advice as if you were talking to your best friend.

De verdad que, leyendo poco a poco el libro me sorprendió que era justo lo que buscaba, un libro que entendiera lo que sentía y la ayuda justa que necesito. Un mundo donde actualmente reinan los estándares de la sociedad, y nosotros como seguidores, a veces no sentimos fuera de lugar como si no encajaramos dentro los "esteriotipos" que sin querer nos han impuesto, de allí que nacen las inseguridades y autocomplejos queriendo ser alguien que no somos, sin darnos cuenta el gran daño físico, psicológico y mental que nos estamos haciendo. Lo principal y lo que realmente nos quiere enseñar la autora en éste libro, es que aprendamos a querernos a nosotros tal y como somos, sin cambiar nada y tratar de ser algo que no somos. Con esto recuerdo una frase muy linda y motivadora que veremos aquí y les quiero compartir con mucho gusto que dice "Librate de quién crees que deberías ser, y abraza a quien realmente eres".

Truly, reading the book little by little I was surprised that it was just what I was looking for, a book that understood what I felt and the right help I needed. A world where society's standards currently reign, and we as followers sometimes feel out of place as if we do not fit into the "stereotypes" that have been unintentionally imposed on us, hence the insecurities and self-complexities are born, wanting to be someone we are not, without realizing the great physical, psychological and mental damage we are doing to ourselves. The main thing and what the author really wants to teach us in this book is to learn to love ourselves as we are, without changing anything and trying to be something we are not. With this I remember a very nice and motivating phrase that we will see here and I want to share with pleasure that says "Free yourself from who you think you should be, and embrace who you really are".

Le agradezco a nathy por crear y traer a la plataforma éste hermoso y divertido desafío, les dejo libre la invitación para que se unan cuando quieran.

I thank nathy for creating and bringing to the platform this beautiful and fun challenge, I leave the invitation free for you to join whenever you want.

Foto original de @nathyortiz

Original photo by @nathyortiz

  • Todo el contenido es de mi autoría y las imágenes que no son de mi propiedad tienen su fuente correspondiente
  • All content is my own and images not owned by me have their corresponding source

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Fuentes utilizadas|Sources used

Imagen portada|Cover image

Imagen 1|Image 1

Imagen 2|Image 2

Imagen 3|Image 3


Wow. Seems this self-help book hit home. A lot of people are not fans of self-help, and for good reasons anyways. The gift of imperfection sounds like one to check out.

Thank you very much dear friend for your comment, yes, the truth is that there are few self-help books that I have read and that I can really say have had good results in me, and this is one of them.

thank you for sharing

It has been a long time since I read a book, but I must admit that this book you mention has caught my attention. It seems to me that it is of great importance that people accept ourselves, with our defects and virtues.