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RE: US Supreme Court Allows Public Money for Religious Schools ⚖️

in Atheism4 years ago (edited)

I think that concessions like this one will continue happening as long as religious groups continue becoming important for election purposes.
If we tie this with president Trump's announcement that funds to some universities that are being accused of sponsoring leftist agendas will be revised (most likely canceled) then we will see the tendency.
The separation of church and state will be valid/profitable as long as religion does not interfere with any branch of government. So far, what seems to be interfering with the government is the left and some agendas usually associated with anti religious groups.
I guess the government would rather sponsor a religious group that will support them than a liberal institution that will work to undermine government agendas.
As opposed as I may be to religious indoctrination and all the superstitious crap that can come out of it, I can understand the move considering that some liberal organizations are siding with totalitarian regimes and their agendas. When you are the victim of such a regime you develop an aversion for anything that even hints at defending such regimes, even if only on principles.