Nutritious Lentil Soup with Zucchini and Pea Pods [ESP - ENG]

in Plant Power (Vegan)2 years ago (edited)

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Saludos estimada comunidad #plantpower, que Dios les bendiga y tengan una productiva y feliz semana; es un placer compartir nuevamente con ustedes, en esta ocasión se trata de una #receta para preparar sopa de lentejas (Lens culinaris) con calabacín (Cucurbita pepo L.) y vainitas (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), del grupo alimenticio de los granos, la lenteja es la que contiene la mayor cantidad de proteínas, además importantes vitaminas y minerales que ayudan al buen funcionamiento del organismo; su uso en la cocina es muy variado; en guisos, croquetas, ensaladas sopas y mucho más, si hablamos de su sabor , este es muy delicioso, en el Libro Sagrado se relata la historia de un joven que vendió su primogenitura por un plato de lentejas.

La sopa de lentejas es muy nutritiva y sencilla de preparar, requiere pocos ingredientes y podemos combinarla con las verduras de nuestra preferencia, les muestro el proceso de elaboración.


Greetings dear #plantpower community, God bless you and have a productive and happy week; it is a pleasure to share with you again, this time it is a #recipe to prepare lentil soup (Lens culinaris) with zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) and Pea Pods (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), from the food group of grains, lentils contain the highest amount of protein, plus important vitamins and minerals that help the body function well. ), of the food group of the grains, the lentil is the one that contains the largest amount of protein, plus important vitamins and minerals that help the proper functioning of the body; its use in the kitchen is very varied; in stews, croquettes, salads, soups and much more, if we talk about its flavor, this is very delicious, in the Holy Book tells the story of a young man who sold his birthright for a plate of lentils.

The lentil soup is very nutritious and simple to prepare, it requires few ingredients and we can combine it with the vegetables of our preference, I show you the process of elaboration.

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Lenteja (145 gr)
Calabacín (1)
Cebolla morada (1)
Vainitas (62 gr)
Ají (3)
Papa (3)
Zanahoria (1)
Ajo (1)
Cebollín (1 rama)


Lentils (145 gr)
Zucchini (1)
Purple onion (1)
Pea Pods (62 gr)
Chili (3)
Potato (4)
Carrot (1)
Garlic (1)
Chives (1 sprig)

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Lavé los aliños con agua y vinagre, luego corté la cebolla y ajíes por la mitad, pelé el ajo y corté el cebollín.


I washed the seasonings with water and vinegar, then cut the onion and chili peppers in half, peeled the garlic and chopped the chives.

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Llevé al fuego con 3 litros de agua y cociné por 7 minutos a fuego medio.

I took it to the fire with 3 liters of water and cooked for 7 minutes at medium heat.

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Lavé las lentejas luego agregué al agua con los aliños y cociné por 25 minutos.

I washed the lentils then added to the water with the seasonings and cooked for 25 minutes.

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Mientras las lentejas se cocinaban aproveché para lavar, pelar cortar el calabacín papas y zanahoria.

While the lentils were cooking I took the opportunity to wash, peel and cut the zucchini, potatoes and carrots.

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Seguidamente las agregué a la sopa, también sal al gusto y cociné por 15 minutos a fuego alto.

Then I added them to the soup, salt to taste and cooked for 15 minutes over high heat.

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Lavé las vainitas , agregué a la sopa y cociné por 5 minutos para que queden al dente, retiré y reservé.

I washed the pea pods, added them to the soup and cooked for 5 minutes so that they are al dente, removed and set aside.

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Emplaté y a disfrutar una deliciosa y nutritiva sopa en familia!

Serve and enjoy a delicious and nutritious soup with your family!

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Espero sea de su agrado y se animen a prepararla.

I hope you like it and are encouraged to prepare it.




Translated with

belk cocina.jpg

Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas por una cámara Síragon LC-3000, divisores cortesía de @kattycrochet.

               All images are my own, captured by a Síragon LC-3000 camera,dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet.

Hola @belkyscabrera, este plano les encanta en casa, mis niños les gusta las lentejas, las lentejas tienen gran aporte nutricional.

Hola @yerf2712, son muy deliciosas y nutritivas, cómo resistirse a un rico plato de lentejas?


Good morning @belkyscabrera

I think you have a translation error. I believe you are not using vanilla beans. Please correct this post in English, obviously that translation is wrong.

Good morning @plantpoweronhive, thank you very much for the observation; indeed it is not vanilla what I am using, it is pea pods, I edit the title.


The correct term is pea pods, please correct the entire post, in the part that is in English.

@plantpoweronhive, I already edited and corrected, I apologize for the inconvenience caused, I will be very attentive when translating in future publications, I appreciate your suggestions and help.



Hola @gislandpoetic, además de deliciosas nutritivas y sencillas de preparar.


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Hi @plantpoweronhive, thanks for the support.


Hi @taliakerch, the bean soup is delicious, ah, what a coincidence! my son likes to eat beans in all their versions.
