Crema de lentejas naranjas al curry. | Cream of curry orange lentils.


Feliz noche amigos de Plant Power (Vegan) para comenzar la semana les traigo una deliciosa receta con lentejas. Hoy decidí preparar una crema de lentejas naranjas al curry. Es una crema bastante fácil de preparar y deliciosa para el almuerzo o la cena, que podemos acompañar con pan o arroz. Las lentejas realmente son muy versátiles e ideales a la hora de preparar nuestras comidas.Happy night friends of Plant Power (Vegan) to start the week I bring you a delicious recipe with lentils. Today I decided to prepare an orange lentil curry cream. It is a fairly easy cream to prepare and delicious for lunch or dinner, which we can accompany with bread or rice. Lentils really are very versatile and ideal when preparing our meals.


Ingredientes: - 200 gr de lentejas naranjas. - 1 tomate. - 1/2 cebolla. - 2 dientes de ajo. - 10 gr de cebollín. - 1 1/2 taza de agua. - 1 cucharada de curry. - 1/2 cucharadita de pimienta negra. - sal al gusto.Ingredients: - 200 gr of orange lentils. - 1 tomato. - 1/2 onion. - 2 cloves of garlic. - 10 gr of chives. - 1 1/2 cup of water. - 1 tablespoon of curry. - 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper. - salt to taste.


Vamos a comenzar lavando muy bien nuestras lentejas, yo la lave aproximadamente 3 veces hasta que el agua salió normal. Una vez estén bien limpias las ponemos en una olla con el agua, estás lentejas no llevan demasiada agua ya que son bastante blandas.We are going to start by washing our lentils very well, I washed it approximately 3 times until the water came out normal. Once they are very clean, we put them in a pot with the water, these lentils do not have too much water since they are quite soft.


Mientras las lentejas se cocinan vamos a cortar la cebolla, el tomate, cebollín y ajo.While the lentils are cooking, we are going to cut the onion, tomato, chives and garlic.


Cómo nuestras lentejas ya están bastante blandas vamos a colocar los vegetales para que se cocinen y estén blandos para poder preparar la crema de lentejas.Since our lentils are already quite soft, we are going to place the vegetables so that they are cooked and soft to be able to prepare the lentil cream.


Ahora vamos a darle más sabor a nuestras lentejas, vamos a colocar la cucharada de curry, 1/2 cucharadita de pimienta y sal al gusto y mezclamos todo bien.Now we are going to give our lentils more flavor, we are going to place the tablespoon of curry, 1/2 teaspoon of pepper and salt to taste and mix everything well.


Dejamos cocinar las lentejas por 5 minutos más para que agarre todo el sabor, cómo pueden ver estas lentejas casi no tienen agua para que nuestra crema quede bien espesa.We let the lentils cook for 5 more minutes so that it captures all the flavor, how can you see these lentils have almost no water so that our cream is very thick.


Vamos a retirar del fuego las lentejas y vamos a esperar que se enfríen y las vamos a poner en una licuadora y una vez que este bien frío vamos a licuar bien para tener lista nuestra crema de lentejas naranjas con curry.We are going to remove the lentils from the heat and we are going to wait for them to cool down and we are going to put them in a blender and once it is very cold we are going to blend well to have our orange lentil cream with curry ready.


Una vez licuamos muy bien podemos ver la consistencia de nuestra crema de lentejas y ya está lista para servir y disfrutar.Once we blend very well we can see the consistency of our lentil cream and it is ready to serve and enjoy.


Y como pueden ver preparar está crema de lentejas es bastante fácil y es deliciosa. Servimos y decoramos con un poco de tomate, se puede comer sola o con pan y arroz. Feliz inicio de semana y muchas gracias por el apoyo recibido en mis post.And as you can see, preparing this lentil cream is quite easy and it is delicious. We serve and decorate with a little tomato, it can be eaten alone or with bread and rice. Happy start of the week and thank you very much for the support received in my post.



Me gustò mucho tu receta amiga; de todos los granos este es mi favorito!


These pulses are more desirable to us. We call it 'mushoor dal', very nice recipe shared. !DIY

I do not look too often at food post, but the bol was so well presented in the main pic that I was curious...loing at all those pictures and that recipe...I am now hungry :-D Looks good!

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