Hive Cross Culture Contest - The "argentinian stereotype" by @lauramica. / El "estereotipo argentino" por @lauramica. 😀❤️

in Cross Culture3 years ago

Hello Hive friends! I hope you are very well today ❤️. This is my first post in the Hive Cross Culture community and this time I want to participate in this contest about the stereotypes of each of our regions. If you are interested in participating you can read the original post here 😁.

¡Hola amigos de Hive! Espero que se encuentren muy bien hoy ❤️. Este es mi primer post en la comunidad de Hive Cross Culture y en esta oportunidad quiero participar de este concurso acerca de los estereotipos de cada una de nuestras regiones. Si te interesa participar puedes leer el post original aquí .

Amarillo Azul Argentina Gana Fútbol Pelota Instagram Publicación.png

This contest seemed interesting to me because I started to think about how I think the rest of the world sees us Argentines. So my idea is to "verify" (from my point of view) if these things are true or not.

For those who may be wondering "where the hell is Argentina?" I tell you that it is a country that is located in the south of the American continent. You can come visit us whenever you want ❤️.

Este concurso me pareció interesante porque me puse a pensar en como yo creo que el resto del mundo nos ve a nosotros los argentinos. Entonces mi idea es "verificar" (desde mi punto de vista) si estas cosas son ciertas o no.

Para aquellos que se estarán preguntando "¿dónde rayos queda Argentina?" les cuento que es un país que se encuentra al sur del continente americano. Pueden venir a visitarnos cuando quieran ❤️.

Source / Fuente

According to my point of view, for the world we Argentines like the following things:

Según mi punto de vista, para el mundo a los argentinos nos gustan las siguientes cosas:

Football: Maradona and Messi. / Fútbol: Maradona y Messi

It is true that my country is very footballing and I think that since this sport is universal, these two icons represent us in the world. Many people follow football on a daily basis, but only almost all the country get involved in the World Cups. There we are all fans completely.

Es cierto que mi país es muy futbolero y pienso que como este deporte es universal, estos dos íconos nos representan en el mundo. Mucha gente sigue el futbol a diario, pero no tanto como en los mundiales. Ahí si les aseguro que todos somos fanáticos por completo.

Source / Fuente

A few months ago Diego Maradona passed away. What happened with the impact of his death on the world was incredible. It was featured in many of the world's newspapers and there was a mass funeral here in the government house in Buenos Aires, despite the Covid pandemic. This shows how fanatical Argentines are regarding football and how they have admired Maradona and his football career.

Hace unos meses Diego Maradona falleció. Lo que sucedió con la repercusión de su muerte en el mundo fue increíble. Salió en muchos de los diarios del mundo y aquí hubo un funeral masivo en la Casa de Gobierno en Buenos Aires, a pesar de la pandemia de Covid. Esto demuestra lo fanáticos que son los argentinos con respecto al futbol y como han admirado a Maradona y a su carrera futbolística.

Source / Fuente

Source / Fuente

Music: Tango. / Música: Tango.

I think that tango is the music that represents Argentina in the world. Tango is a classic style and many people dance it, however it is not the music most often heard here. I think we have been colonized by "cumbia" and reggeaton like many Latin American countries.

In addition, dancing tango requires special skill. Just look at where that dear woman's leg is. Everything hurts me just thinking about that move 😂.

Pienso que el tango es la música que representa a Argentina en el mundo. El tango es un estilo clásico y mucha gente lo baila, sin embargo no es la música que más se escucha aquí. Creo que hemos sido colonizados por la "cumbia" y el reggeaton como muchos países de América Latina.

Además, para bailar tango se requiere una destreza especial. Tan solo miren donde esta la pierna de esa querida mujer. Me duele todo de solo pensar en ese movimiento 😂.

Source / Fuente

Food: asado (barbecue). / Comida: asado.

I agree with this item of the stereotype. Generally, Sundays are for eating barbecue (if there is money, because now it is very expensive. It is almost a luxury to eat a barbecue in Argentina, but when you can, you can). There is a whole culture that revolves around the barbecue, reminiscent of the old gauchos and the Argentine countryside.

When Argentines say "let's eat a asado" we hope there is (I repeat, if we have money because everything together is quite expensive now): mainly various cuts of beef, chicken, sausages, blood sausages and chinchulines. All this is usually accompanied with potato or tomato salads and lettuce, accompanied by a few beers or wine.

Estoy de acuerdo con este ítem del estereotipo. Generalmente los domingos son de comer asado (si hay plata, porque ahora es muy caro. Es casi un lujo comer un asado en Argentina, pero cuando se puede, se puede). Hay toda una cultura que gira en torno al asado, recuerda a los antiguos gauchos y al campo argentino.

Cuando los argentinos decimos "vamos a comer un asado" esperamos que haya (repito,si tenemos dinero porque todo junto es bastante costoso ahora): principalmente diversos cortes de carne de vaca, pollo, chorizos, morcillas y chinchulines. Todo esto suele acompañarse con ensaladas de papa o tomate y lechuga, acompañado con unas cervezas o vino.

Source / Fuente

Drink: mate. / Bebida: mate.

Without a doubt, mate is something that characterizes the people of my country. This drink is an infusion of an herb called "yerba mate". To drink it, the yerba is placed in a container with a light bulb and hot water is added. Mate is the most famous non-alcoholic social drink. Something that can be disgusting in other people is that (before the Covid) we all drank mate using the same light bulb. No one was ever denied a "mate", even if you barely knew him! Since the pandemic began, mate can no longer be shared to prevent the transmission of the virus.

I think that this item of the Argentine stereotype is 100% true. It is very rare that there is not an Argentine who does not drink mate.

Sin duda el mate es algo que caracteriza a la gente de mi país. Esta bebida es una infusión de una hierba llamada "yerba mate". Para beberla, se coloca la yerba en un contenedor con una bombilla y se añade agua caliente. El mate es la bebida social no alcohólica más famosa. Algo que puede resultar asqueroso en otras personas es que (antes del Covid) todos tomabamos mate usando la misma bombilla. ¡Nunca se le negaba un mate a nadie, incluso si apenas lo conocías! Desde que empezó la pandemia, ya no se puede compartir más el mate para evitar la transmisión del virus.

Pienso que este ítem del estereotipo argentino en 100% cierto. Es muy raro que no haya un argentino que no tome mate.

Source / Fuente

I invite my friends @wolfofnostreet and @kattycrochet to tell us what they think the stereotypes are in their countries 😃.

Finally, a photo that I found on the web. For those who did not know, the pope is Argentine and mate drinker 😃.

Invito a mis amigas @wolfofnostreet y @kattycrochet para que nos cuenten cuáles creen que son los estereotipos en sus países.

Por último, una foto que me encontré en la web. Para los que no sabían, el papa es argentino y bebedor de mate 😂.

Source / Fuente

Hope you liked this post! Thanks for reading ❤️.
¡Espero que les haya gustado este post! Gracias por leer ❤️.

With love. / Con amor.
Lau 💕.

(First image edited with Canva. / Primer imágen editada en Canva).


Hola @lauramica que interesante conocer sobre tu cultura, de todo lo que has mencionado no conocía lo del asado de los domingos.
Gracias por la invitación, me encantaría participar sin embargo, con respecto a nosotros los venezolanos creo que hay mucha tela que cortar debido a la masiva migración, creo que ahora hay muchísimos más estereotipos que antes y lamentablemente no todos son positivos en realidad es un tema un poco sensible de abordar para mi. Saludos y por cierto, me encanta el tango 🥰

Hola Katty. Gracias por comentar ❤️. Lo importante es no dejarse llevar por acusaciones que sabemos que no son ciertas.
Que bueno que te guste el tango, yo conozco poco realmente 😅.

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A well written article amigo...

Gonna pounce on this contest too.

Thank you! I hope to see your post.

Argentina really is famous for football. Nigerians get shaky when our team is up against Argentina.

Mate is something I would like to try out.

How about religion? Are you mostly Catholics?

Thanks for inviting me to the challenge

As for religion, it is like everywhere, there are those who love it and others who oppose it. However, in many politics things they use in the name of God because it is mentioned in our National Constitution, so conservative groups rely on that.

Maybe the picture of the pope has attracted me to this post thinking you were going to say something about the church, but I love the post all the same.
And the picture you have summarized Argentina to be is so attractive, and thanks for the invitation, expect me anytime 😂😂😂( As if that dream will come true)

Am a football fan and have played in secondary school before I broke my leg once and finally stopped playing.
I also wish to listen to tango if I get a link

Now I think I should have mentioned something about religion ... I think my country is quite religious, even God is mentioned in our National Constitution. But like everywhere, there are those who are for and against the church.

Here is a link to a very nice Tango song, maybe it sounds familiar to you from a movie ❤️.

Am familiar with this kind of tunes.
Thanks for sharing

I think I heard about this mate from you on discord sometime ago. I wish to know how it tastes like.

Obviously, Argentina is very popular because of football and Messi is a popular icon from there.

The first time you taste mate, it will be strange to you, it has a bitter taste, a bit strong, although there are those who add sugar to improve the taste. I would love for you to try it and tell me what you think 😃.

don't worry, I would visit Argentina soonest and you would give me to taste it. Then I would tell you what I think.