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RE: Tesla: The Automobile As Our Living Room

in Threespeak4 years ago

I would bet that what you're discussing about in this video will for sure become a reality, I would definitely won't appreciate too much such a reality and I'll tell you why. I've read about the Tesla and Volvo, and even google research and tests for developing fully autonomous cars for years and there's even a plan to introduce blockchain tech in the car industry as BMW plans to do in South Korea rewarding users and members with cryptos. Many things will drastically change around us and we're somehow doomed for that to happen, but that does not mean we're gonna live in a better world, or a safer one, or even a more pleasant one. The way I see it having too much entertainment at hand and too much tech under our noses ultimately distracts us. It does that by taking our attention away from the simple things in life, such as driving, from the landscape surrounding, and so on. Fully autonomous cars will probably be safer than current ones, but not better, for the above mentioned reasons. We can't ride horses forever, like you said, but we can't say our industrial evolution hasn't impacted us in a negative way either.

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