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RE: HIVE OPEN MIC # 76- Ana Maria @soyunasantacruz - He lied to me - El me mintió

in Threespeak3 years ago

I'm happy to hear you singing so passionately, even an expression of grief such as this. I can relate with the hurt of a lie. To me that feeling of hurt shows that we highly value integrity. Wishing you truth and justice in your life, along with peace and love. Welcome to the Hive Open Mic community.

Me alegra escucharte cantar con tanta pasión, incluso una expresión de dolor como esta. Puedo relacionarme con el dolor de una mentira. Para mí, ese sentimiento de dolor demuestra que valoramos mucho la integridad. Deseándote verdad y justicia en tu vida, junto con paz y amor. Bienvenido a la comunidad de Hive Open Mic.

Gracias por participar y disfrutar de Hive Open Mic


May it be so, blessings to you and all the music community besides Hive.

Thank you for the welcome and your good wishes, I am very happy to see your progress during all this time and to be sharing this moment with everyone. May peace and love surround us all.