PURE GOLD: Justin Castreau Revelead...

in Threespeak2 years ago

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We've probably all heard the 'rumors' that the disgrace of a Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is the son of Fidel Castro...

However, after watching this... well, you gotta see it for yourself. 🤯😹

(And I'd be damned if not confessing that whoever put this together is a fucking genius and that with the music and way it's done, it all rather looks/feels so fun. 🤣😬🤪)

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Up until a couple of weeks ago I was 100 percent convince that it was Castro's son but now I'm not sure. In this video he looks more like Pierre. I'm not writing it off though because he now looks like Castro's twin. He certainly is a communist like his possible other father. His mother surely had a thing with him. Castro was known for being wild with many ladies.

Wow! Amazing! My friends won’t believe this!😂

Hmm... I need to sit on this one.

That would be solved by applying science as of course, with a DNA test, but you would be surprised that the Nazis are after the "young world leaders"

Nailed in one min!

Ya mun. I’ve seen the side-by-sides before, but this… 👏💎