Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question, Tie Up Post!


Where Do You Draw Your Strength From And What In Life Empowers You?

As we move through the second half of this year, as we continue to face restrictions and be bombarded with information from the media, it is important that we stay strong. That we know exactly where we need to go, or who we need in our lives in order to be empowered.

This question, was asked in the hope of reminding us all that we are powerful and that we do have many different ways in which to recharge and strengthen ourselves. Now more than ever, we need to travel within and prepare ourselves from what may come.

In these moments it is important that we stand in out power, that we connect with others and that we focus on creating positive change in the world. No matter what the current narrative is, we still have a choice and those choices are what influences the energy that we are creating and that we are projecting out into the world.

We have so much to learn from one another. So it is important to provide opportunities, in which we can share our experiences and create better understanding as we move forward. This question provided just that.

We had 14 wonderful answers in total and in the spirit of Abundance one of those writers will receive 20% of the payout of this post. this time, it goes to @aimharryianne. Thank you to everyone who took the time to answer!


Abundance.Tribes biweekly question: The place I draw my strength from and things that empower me in life



There are days I feel weak, weary, and wants to let go, days when everything becomes darken and it seems like that's the end road for me, but whenever I wanted to, settling for what's less and meaningless, I look back from where I have started, people who rely on me, and the reason I have started, I am once again energized to keep moving.


Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - Where Do You Draw Your Strength From And What In Life Empowers You?



We often go through situations that allow us to change our mood, as we experience joy, happiness, anger, anguish, rage, hatred, pain and many more emotions due to the different situations that arise. Certain circumstances lead us to a state of sadness and this in turn drags us to depression, which is not so easy to overcome when we go through painful moments, so much so that sometimes we require help from both our loved ones and professionals to move forward.


Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - Where Do You Draw Your Strength From And What In Life Empowers You?



Willingness is one of the tools that helps us gain strength, when we have a desire for something, wanting to achieve something, yearning for something, as well as when we face difficult situations such as the loss of a loved one, painful situations that make us collapse, among others, and we have to find strength to get ahead. One of those incentives that makes me draw strength is my family, my mother, my daughter, my life partner, my sisters, nephews, etc.


Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - Where Do You Draw Your Strength From And What In Life Empowers You?



For me to draw strength in life, there must be a desire, an objective, a goal, to solve a problem in any area of ​​life, to obtain something or to solve something we must be motivated to fight for that something that we want to solve, obtain or reach, there are situations in life that arise when we see a loved one leave, for example when my parents died it was very hard for me to recover, I had to draw strength through will to be able to continue and move forward , I believe that it is not easy to recover the loss of a loved one.


Abundance.tribe's biweekly Question - Where do you draw your strength from and what in life empowers you?



In life I draw my strength from the followings:
Football: is one of the famous game in the world, seeing how it being arrange and play is a thing of Joy especially when it is my favorite club, I am a Chelsea fan, with the recent victory of my club, emerging as the number in the UEFA Championship makes me courageous that I am in the right place.


Abundance.tribe's biweekly Question - Where do you draw your strength from and what in life empowers you?



Strength is the courage which makes one heart powerful and motivating, for me mother's are the source of strength, I could vididly remembered, how mother always tried as much as possible to see if i am doing alright, checking on me everyday and knowing if i am lacking anything behind.
Seeing how she cares and need the best for me inturn also makes me want to be the best for her, in essence my mother is my source of strength, happiness and one who empowers me.


Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - Where Do I Draw My Strength From And What In Life Empowers ME?



Time and again we all go down and we need something to revive our Energy. We all have our source of strength and we are hugely dependent on them in our downfalls and low moments. Not only do we depend on them in our downfalls, but to an extent I can say they motivate us also.
For me, when this question pops up, immediately 2 things come to mind. First one is my Family, which is my Husband and Son and the second one is Nature, where I always feel very blissful and rejuvenate myself.


Where Do You Draw Your Strength From, And What In Life Empowers You?



In life, everyone, one way or another needs a drive to not just exist but to thrive, make an impact or make a mark. This somehow requires a certain kind of energy, conviction or a purpose. Every of our efforts are somehow Incentivized by the fact that when we push, there will be some sort of reward at the end of the line and this is a sort of motivation, a psychological mindset that often gives people the strength to grind despite all odds.


Strength drawn from weakness



Where do you draw your strengths from?
There is no strength without weakness.
Everyone who requires strength most has gone through or rather is in a deep mess that that has possibly put one in a great difficulty
People don't know how strong they are until they are caught in their weaknesses.
You can dictate a man's strength by the amount of energy he puts in to stand strong in the middle of difficulties.
Now back to the question.



Answering Abundance.Tribe's BiWQ || Where Do I Draw My Strength From And What In Life Empowers me?



I'm my strength, I empower myself.
It may sound very 'over the top' to you. But I feel like this is the truth. So I might say, my ability, my confidence, my self-dependence is my strength!
But where did this strength comes from?
I was also searching the same and found that it originates from my spiritual understanding & growth.
If I elaborate more then I must say...


[ESP-ENG] Abundance.Tribe pregunta quincenal: ¿de dónde sacas tu fuerza y ​​qué te da poder en la vida? / Abundance.Tribe biweekly asks: where do you get your strength and what gives you power in life?



Life presents us with different difficulties, difficult moments either because you are not comfortable in your work, because of the loss of a loved one, because something did not turn out as you expected, whatever, the truth is that you do not feel good about yourself , you feel that you fall into an abyss and you cannot find the way out. All this due to a bad teaching that they instilled in us that happiness is only full of good moments, without pain or suffering, denying that bad moments will also exist in our way and from them we can learn, understand and strengthen our resistance to face adversities.


My Answer into the Abundance Tribe BiWeekly Question: My Source of Strength and things in Life that Empowers me



I found this a very interesting question to answer.it gives me the initiative to check on myself or to review my actions, interactions in different aspects of my life
My strength comes from different sources within me..and from the inspiration, I got from loved ones, family, other people, or things as well..and from all the good things I planted into myself to get into the best version of me.
What is it in the best version of me? Well I could never describe or tell what is my best because..it always reached THE BEST & PLUS, it is my term for that..because we learned different lessons in each minute,


Finding Strength From Within! - Abundance.Tribe BiWeekly Question.



There have been many times in my life when I have felt overwhelmed,when things have happened that were completely out of my control. That is just how it goes, in order to transition, we first must overcome those challenges that present themselves. Personal growth, comes when we broaden our personal awareness and recognize that each time we face difficult experiences in life, we are provided with a wonderful opportunity in which to learn.


Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - Where Do You Draw Your Strength From And What In Life Empowers You? |



I am convinced that there is a supreme consciousness that surpasses us in a constituted universe that revolves around life for its transformation, preservation and evolution, hence the inheritance of that force called free will that guides us to decide how we want to live and assume our destiny....
That is why I consider that my strength as a human being comes from what I feel and in order to feel I need stimuli that are generally outside of me and when I perceive them they drive me to reveal powerful actions against in favor of my humanity or towards others, that is why I will tell you the following anecdote:



Abundance.Tribe's Weekly Gems (Week of the 12th to the 19th July)

Focalized by @Trucklife-Family

Another week of wonderful content from the tribe, inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives. Sharing their truth and their wisdom and encouraging us to dig deep, to explore and connect more deeply with who we are and how our we interact with the world. Life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting.

Read the full post Here



It was really wonderful to answer the question of the week. Reflective and educative as well.

@aimharryianne congratulations :) !!! I am so happy for you :) When will we get the next question???

-Thanks a lot! Sir @wrestlingdesires ..have a blessed day!🙏 Well maybe they will publish it here in the community soon!


Please tag me if you see it?