How important is research to me and what do i consider are the most important things in life, that we should be researching about?

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago

Science has helped discovered the mysteries behind the human anatomy & physiology and also helped us understand our environment, this shows how important research is to me and the world as a whole. Science has gone broad and scientist has tried to unveil the hidden truth on certain matters including the evolution of man, Though it still has some unanswered questions, I still don't consider researching on the evolution of man, because, Isaac Newton himself got to a point where he couldn't explain certain phenomenon about the existence of man.

In this present age, there has been a lot of ongoing research, while some of these researches are new, some are building on past works. Myself has tried to find out answers to questions relating to spirituality, but the more I dig is the deeper it seems, so spirituality may not be a suitable area to focus on. Lately, humans are suffering from health issues, with several illnesses that has no cure. Most of the diagnosed patient suffers from illnesses that could only be managed rather than cured and it has led to the death of so many people.


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The agricultural section is becoming less relevant, the fertility of lands have become poor and many people are suffering because of the low yields while the price of goods has escalated due to the low supply in markets. Lack of food, or better yield has also thrown the world into suffering. Health and agriculture are areas I consider most important to be researched on, researching more on the health section will help specialist discover the etiology of certain disease, the earliest symptoms, the cure as well as the preventive measures. Researching on health will also provide us with healthy lifestyle, identify foods that are best for our consumption, and drastically reduces the number of sick people and the occurrence of death.

The agricultural sector if considered to be researched, will help provide necessary elements to revive soil fertility and improve yield. It will directly increase supply to industry, provide herbs for medicine, and make available food on a cheap cost. I realised the most comfort of a man are health and food, once a man has these two, he becomes satisfied to pursue other needs. Just like the saying "Health is wealth", everyone may not feel satisfied under a challenging state of health cause by illness or good. So I consider health and agriculture to be the most important aspect to be focused on by scientists.


Research is a good thing that bring understanding and how to solve a problem..

It as make people wise and to plan well for the future.

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Yeah, research has a lot of importance to the world as a whole. Thanks for stopping by

Health and wealth are the two very important aspects of the human life indeed. I agree with you 💯

This is why I'm not against those who go to school to study more about improving agriculture in our country. Health aspect has been a kinda difficult course to study in school but so many people turn out to be good at it.

I just hope they don't over look these two aspects, it should be empowered in anyway it could to better the human life.

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I agree with you, studying agriculture is not a waste of time, it could help improve sectors like these.

Exactly, so I'll always advice those who has it in mind to go for it like my sister 😊

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I hope you haven't opposed her in the time past

Thank you @dwixer for taking the time to respond to this weeks question, both Health and Agriculture are very important topics to be researched and improved upon x

You talked about researching on health and agriculture and I pretty much agree with your idea. In fact, both of them are highly related because alot of health supplements are gotten from agricultural products.

Truth is, agriculture is undervalued but it's high time people start paying desired attention to it

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Yeah, if we can put more energy into research in the agricultural sector, there's a lot of changes we will experience both in the health sector ir