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RE: Q micro/macro blog : from Digital Nationalism and Anti-Intellectualism to Leo's microblogging service

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago

🤣🤣🤣 not so sure if all these people got some fun stuff from me, thats up to them to decide.

Thanks for the congrats, but as I mentioned, its not a competition for me. I was actually a little disappointed about last weeks results: Just a little more than 100k characters in my comments. I reached 160k+ levels a week or two ago. Comments became shorter over the last week, must be.

Which user is your husband?


ph1102 but don't look his rank position now 🙏🤣

He had other things to do during December so now it is a bit difficult to go back to normal routine he had before.

Don't worry, I don't check the League. Wanted to check his blog; Looks interesting 😉 Mr Enagagement fr the CTP Swarm community. No idea what that community is about, but sounds dangerous... I like a little adventure 🙃

Hahaha, me neither know a lot about, better you check out his opinion about that in his recent posts...

We have "independent" paths here, I never comment in his posts and he doesn't comment on mines. I wanted to do my own way when I started, I didn't want any "help" (or contrary) just because I am a wife of someone here. So we don't engage even with the same people and in the same communities because we have different topics of interest.

That sounds like a good plan, to go after your own interests. When not, it becomes a game. Games are nice, but social media is not a game for me. Glad also not for you and your husband 😉