Agriculture is exciting with many processes to carry out (Cuttings of ¨Cassabas¨)

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago (edited)

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Hola apasionados de la agricultura. Feliz de tener sus visitas en mi Vlog. Este es un espacio creado para compartir las actividades que realizo en el día, en lo general estará relacionado con la agricultura, ya que la mayor parte de mi tiempo estoy en el huerto, además, me encanta compartir las cosas que he aprendido a través de los años de esta apasionante actividad; Eso no significa que haya días que hable de temas generales

Hello passionate about agriculture. Happy to have your visits on my Vlog. This is a space created to share the activities that I do during the day, in general it will be related to agriculture, since most of my time I am in the garden, in addition, I love to share the things that I have learned through the years of this exciting activity; That does not mean that there are days that talk about general topics

El día de hoy estamos en el huerto viendo cómo está el ¨clima¨, ya que el ¨pronóstico¨ anuncia baja de ¨temperatura¨, y como saben, esto afecta negativamente a las plantas, en especial a las ramas de las ¨cassaba¨

Today we are in the garden seeing how the ¨climate¨ is, since the ¨prognosis¨ announces low ¨temperature¨, and as you know, this negatively affects the plants, especially to the branches of the ¨cassaba¨

La ¨cassaba¨ en una hortaliza rica en ¨almidón¨ muy deliciosa y nutritiva, con ella se puede preparar muchas recetas que van desde pan, hasta guisados. En esta zona por el tipo de tierra es muy común ver grandes plantaciones

The ¨cassaba¨ is a vegetable rich in ¨starch¨, very delicious and nutritious, with it you can prepare many recipes ranging from bread to stews. In this area, due to the type of land, it is very common to see large plantations

Esta hortaliza se planta a partir de sus propias ramas, los ¨brotes¨ nacen desde donde estaban agarradas las hojas; Al momento de sembrar se preparan los ¨esquejes¨ de unos diez centímetros cortando las ramas

This vegetable is planted from its own branches, the "shoots" are born from where the leaves were attached; At the time of sowing the ¨cuts¨ of about ten centimeters are prepared by cutting the branches

Como les decía al principio, están anunciando bajas extremas de ¨temperaturas¨ y tengo miedo que se quemen las ramas por las ¨heladas¨; Para que eso no suceda, vamos a retirar las ramas y protegerlas del frio; Básicamente cortamos en la base con un machete

As I told you at the beginning, they are announcing extreme low "temperatures" and I am afraid that the branches will be burned by the "frost"; So that this does not happen, we are going to remove the branches and protect them from the cold; Basically we cut at the base with a machete

Una vez que cortamos todas las ramas las agrupamos por su variedad de ¨cassabas¨; La siguiente tareas es revistar las ¨raíces¨ de cada planta para ver si tenemos suerte y se generaron algunos frutos

Once we cut all the branches we group them by their cassabas variety; The next task is to review the ¨roots¨ of each plant to see if we are lucky and some fruits were generated

Este año fue un año muy malo para estas hortalizas, tuvimos una ¨sequía¨ pronunciada que lo afecto mucho, cuando se estaba recuperando les ataco un nuevo ¨hongo¨, que por poco extermina a todas las plantas

This year was a very bad year for these vegetables, we had a pronounced "drought" that affected him a lot, when he was recovering a new "fungus" attacked them, which almost exterminated them all plants

No tengo ninguna expectativas de encontrar frutos, y si lo hay serán pequeñas porque no se desarrollaron por falta de agua, como hemos podido comprobar, aun así debemos retirar todas las raíces, ya que este año hay rotación de hortalizas, en este sector vamos a sembrar otras variedades de plantas. Para ver la actividad del día, tienes que visitar el video

I have no expectations of finding fruits, and if there are they will be small because they did not develop due to lack of water, as we have been able to verify, even so we must remove all the roots, since this year there is rotation of vegetables, in this sector we are going to sow other varieties of plants. To see the activity of the day, you have to visit the video


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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Congrats on your farming @jlufer! Never heard for the cassaba plant, i will try to learn something about it... 😎

hello dear friend @seckorama good night
You will love this vegetable, and it is sown by cuttings from its own branch. success in planting.
Enjoy your vacations

Hi, @jlufer, it's not possible to grow it here due to weather conditions 😎

Cassava... I think I have tasted cassava, @jlufer.

Have a nice day!

it is a very delicious and nutritious vegetable dear friend @ silversaver888
thank you very much for this pleasant visit
I wish you a happy start to the week