How “civilized” and technologically advanced are we really, when we murder innocent creatures by the million daily?

in Abundance Tribe2 years ago

You make your own moral choices. I have made mine. And I base my insights on all of our world history, not just the past 2000 years that is taught to us by less informed educators, those who have an agenda to keep us dumbed down as to our true nature as consciousness so that we can be docile consumers in their flock. I do not subscribe to the concept that values change and ethics or morality are on a sliding scale and thus relative to time in history, as alluded to in my opening quote.

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Murder is always a crime. All creatures feel pain at all times in history. Savage brutality is never condoned. Today we have simply become refined savages, in the sense that we have perfected our capacity for genocide and murder on an industrial scale. Professional torture is what I see when looking at battery chickens and industrial pig, sheep and cow slaughter.

In ancient cultures this was never allowed because people were enlightened regarding the nature of consciousness and regarding what animates the life in all living entities. With all our science and technology today, we have become blind in our capacity to see the soul. In fact we deride any hint at spirit as inferior, all the while thus justifying our license to commit mass genocide and torture, simply by erasing consciousness from our equation.

Compared to the dawn of creation, as revealed in the ancient texts, we live short lives, are ignorant of our own identity and we are dulled and forgetful of our finest and most subtle skills and gifts as human beings. We are alienated from all life, including plants and animals, thinking them equivalent to inanimate matter and therefore available to abuse according to our whims. This is a low class and degraded age, yet we pride ourselves in our technology. We have simply refined our torture instruments, that’s all.

The problem with justifying and legitimizing industrial scale exploitation of defenseless lesser creatures as we do in the abattoirs, is that is breeds a state of consciousness among men that it’s permissible to abuse any mass of readily available victims, even humans. And thus the same inhumane brutality, fed on the flesh of torture and genocide, finds it easy to see their fellow human as an equally expendable commodity for exploitation. Therefore we have industrial scale human trafficking today.

You don’t see the abattoirs and abuse of the animals that you eat because it’s hidden from the masses who would vomit at the sight. Similarly you don’t hear of the level of torture and murder in the human trafficking industry on this planet right now but it is going on in your town and country. This is how the sliding scale of ethics and morality can be slowly shifted, so that if one taboo can be justified, then slowly but surely so can another.

There has always been slavery of course. When a military force invades an enemy, they capture slaves and abuse them to death. Such tales litter our past over thousands of years. Brutality is second nature to our civilization – in the name of survival bit mostly in the name of lust and avarice my some despot. But we think we are more civilized now, more refined evolved since those barbaric days of our forefathers. Yet the same thing is going on right under our noses to this day. It’s simply done underground, or behind the veneer of civility that we see around us.

Human trafficking is a massive global industry today, worse than ever before in our human history because there are so many more humans on the planet than ever before. Therefore so many more individual lives are being tortured and snuffed out by brutal and ignorant traffickers. Technology has provide more sophisticated way to commit crimes against humanity.

All of this is possible because humans have been raised from birth in our sophisticated modern age to believe that there is no soul, not in the animal and by extension not in the human. Atheism and humanism has discretely removed the concept of consciousness and its source from the equation. Nefarious leaders in modern thought have systematically hidden the truth regarding the sanctity of life – all life – by removing the concepts of the soul or subtle body that animates what would otherwise be a lump of dead matter.

(image pixabay)


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