AWITM - The Natural Cycle of Leadership and the Tendency of the Collective-Portion to Avoid Individual Responsibility

in Abundance Tribe4 years ago (edited)


As one layer of leaders is removed by the people, the next layer rises to power.

As the people proceed through these layers, more and more individuals accumulate.

At first there was one individual, this number slowly increased through the spreading of its individual message - another part of the collective decided of its own volition to be entirely independent of the whole.

This number slowly grew and grew and still sits as an insignificant number within our population.

As leaders rise to power and make efforts to control (these leaders being people that had a taste for individualism but relinquished it in a need to project their ego onto those around them and thereby attempt to control the collective as a perceived completed form of their individual self) more and more parts of the greater whole are forced to realize themselves as individuals.

New leaders take the place of old leaders.

Let's say the undercurrent of actual individuals in any one population at any one time is 5%.

But, as circumstances that demand immediate and complete focus for the purpose of survival become more and more apparent the number of 5% increases slowly.

Everytime there is a transition of leadership - a new layer of individuals are born.

While leaders offer means by which the parts of the collective can be dependent and 'live an easier life' - more and more parts of the whole see a lesser pain threshold to be had in simply standing completely and entirely alone.

As the intensity of the pain threshold increases - more individuals are born/made/self-made and more and more individualistic leaders rise with differing levels and methods of control adapting to acceptable norms.

Each time leadership culminates in a need to take absolute control - not being able to resist the urge to simply overtake the vulnerable energy of the dependent that are dependent on them - the justification, 'these people are a part of me, I must be able to control them indefinitely and so I will do all in my power to exercise what is mine as me.'


To make the cycle of rise and fall faster and to create more individuals faster: simply keep removing each leader that stands up to take power as soon as they claim it.

The result is true freedom. We are all always on the path to true freedom - we just get lost in many side alleys on the way that procrastinate this unrelenting direction.

When safety is certain, the level of individuals will subside and leaders will slowly be reborn again - and with this the many parts of the whole that wish not to take self-responsibility will also become dependent. Systems that ensure to keep leadership in check fade over time and the individual rises again. This cycle is a repeating thing.

We are just at a particular point in the cycle.

The natural inclination of the 'part' is to avoid pain. So all the parts that once were individuals and go back to being individuals at the end of the cycle remain in this constant dance/flux/cycle of time.


We have been living these cycles for aeons.

AWITM = Automatic Writing in the Moment = stream of consciousness writing expressed in the moment, to the screen or to the page without any pre-meditation and published with little to no editing. (Images and titling added afterwards to add emphasis and for story-telling capacity).

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The leadership pincer of control that ends in totalitarianism is preceded by the realisation of the leader that individualism is not in leadership and all leadership and collectives are doomed to failure - that none of this power is based in anything solid and the washing machine of time will make that which is first last and that which is last first once more.

This realisation causes a reaction of fear by the leaders, this reaction being the 'action plan' to create a complete and comprehensive form of governance by which to never lose power ever again.

In other words,

They are afraid

They are afraid of losing control to the individual and so they are doing all in their power to retain what power they believe they have - over what they actually believe to be them, literally.

This power is a long running pursuit that lasts through the ages - the same demons in time pop up over and over again. Key players in a long running theatre - the show of the universe.

Demon being something that is less than man. Man being the true individual.

De-man - less than - because it desires to be more than man. This is an oxymoron. Man is the one atom god. No further division is possible and no methods of control can gird man.

Man is living. Demon is not.

Demon is virus. Virus relies on the living portion of man to continue.

Think not of demon as spiritual but as biological and psychological.

Bring the spiritual back down to earth and reference it with physicality.

Every portion of creation is a reflection, refraction, amplification, shadow, residue, contemporary picture of each other portion. All portions are one and all pieces tell the self same story. All truth is contained in a single particle as it is in the greater picture.

The distinction must be made between individualism as defined by modern western society as a belief system by which to push various forms of consumerism - and true individualism.

The true individual needs no following or brand. It needs only awareness.

It is awareness. It is pure awareness.

From awareness all life is formed.

Brilliantly articulated.


Thanks a lot!


Nice work! Personally I'd replace 'think for self' with 'be what you are'. But that might not make as much sense to some.

I read it as 'AWay In The Manger'; clearly Christmas is coming.

I don't want Santa to come this year.