Transplanting baby kales and baby Guava Mango experiment

in Abundance Tribe2 years ago (edited)

Finally the red kale seeds that I started a while back in a reused cake tray were ready to be transplanted. They were already ready since a few days but I had nothing to put them in.


...I ended up buying some cups, because I needed many and haven't got anything else to use.

Just need to make drainage!
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I always poke from the inside out when I have to make holes in something for a plant pot. This helps the holes not to be blocked and to help the water escaped

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You see, the holes are not actually clear, but from the outside I can take off the stuff still blocking the holes.

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The baby kales!

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Not quite sure how this grew so big in and inch of soil!

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Now there is just leeks left in here which are starting to grow, they took a while and I thought I might have started the seeds too deep.

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I left the newly potted kale in a bath to wet them, and realised that I had used up a lot of soil so I needed to go find more things to mix it with to bulk it out - namely, horse poo.


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I went out around 10 am before it got to hot, and as usual the two street dogs came for a walk too.
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It didn't take long to find more stuff to use, we have some horse that stay round here, and cows that pass every evening.

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I went to where the horse hang out to itch and scratch on this tree, hoping to find a lot of well rotted manure, but I didn't and only kept getting my hair tangled in branches and twigs

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.. But then in all its glory!

There it was! Gold! Ok that's going a bit over OTT but, I ended up finding a few good spots of manure that was like soil already!

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I took it back and it was ready to mix with the existing soil

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I haven't mixed it yet, I got distracted with something I forgot about

I got for penny's for the bag at the market, lots of Guava mangos, and thought I would buy them for getting seeds from them

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If you haven't yet tried to start a mango yet, you might be surprised as I was, that the seed should be in the white stone of the mango. I'm not an expert but I have been learning somethings, but this time I was shocked!


I started to take off the flesh and presumed that they were sour and old as they didn't look to fresh, but actually they tasted great which made it easier and faster to get the flesh of from the stone

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The flesh was disappearing and the whole thing was getting smaller and smaller.. thinner and thinner.. I started to laugh..


It turned out that these had no developed seed in them!

... Well something else I learnt. It must be harvest time and these were the immature ones. alas, it was an experiment after all!

Have a great day,



i love that you have seedling going along with everything else you are working on!

Check out the results in this repurposed bathtub...


kale and collard greens. if you aren't familiar with collards, i highly recommend them. They love hot and humid weather and are better IMO sauteed vs raw.