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RE: Why You Suck At Law Of Attraction

in Abundance Tribe • 2 years ago

I appreciate your kind words. I have practice good shots, editing, writing, drawing people in, and so on... so I'm glad to hear that shines through, lol 🤣

You're right! Affirmations can be an effective tool, (and if those don't work, there are other techniques available as well.)

You seem like you're on the right track, I believe you'll practice well and succeed. #KeepRyzing ! Wishing you a great day. 🙏


Hahaha.... It's showing... I am sure I am not the only one who noticed it.☺️

and if those don't work, there are other techniques available as well

What are the other techniques available if I may ask l?

You seem like you're on the right track, I believe you'll practice well and succeed.

I'll do just that

Wishing you a great day. 🙏

I wish you same, thank you sir

(grin) well, I'm grateful for anyone :)

There's countless methods that mostly have their roots in appreciation, imagination, meditation, or perspective-shifting. A quick google will bring up many methods such as:

  • ‘passing over’
  • ‘blueprinting’
  • ‘3-6-9’,
  • ‘mind movies’
  • ‘act-as-if’
  • ‘going general’
  • ‘affirmations’
  • ‘cups of water’
  • ‘releasing resistance’
  • ‘lullaby mantras’
  • ‘gratitude’
  • ‘focus wheels’
  • ‘positive aspects’
  • ‘meditation’
  • etc.

Each person's LOA practice will involve their own unique approach and blend of methods. I explore this more here if you're interested.

(Affirmations for example, rarely work for extremely depressed or lack-focused people, and often backfire.)

Hope that helps, wishing you a wonderful evening! 🙏