Why You Suck At Law Of Attraction

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer: This isn’t a full guide to manifesting, it’s a ‘helper article’ to clarify one of the most misunderstood parts of law of attraction. Original at: https://jryze.me/skill/


Using Law Of Attraction Is A Skill.

And it’s one that most human beings suck at.

But why?

Why do most people suck at using the law of attraction?

I used to think it was a lack of understanding. I used to think that —surely— if I taught students to understand LOA as deeply as I do, they’d ‘get it.’ Surely it would click, and voila, they’d be off to the races, manifesting their dream life.

I was wrong.

And it’s pretty obvious when you think about it.

Because true understanding rarely (if ever) comes from someone explaining something. Even if a verbal or written explanation works briefly, it will fade without practice. True understanding must be ‘internalized’ through experience. And that experience most often comes in the form of practice.

Theory Vs. Practice Final LOA.png

Think about how you’ve understood, applied, and improved at any skill you’ve added to your arsenal throughout life. Was that improvement solidified in you through reading manuals and getting advice?

No, it was through experience, practice.

It was only by putting yourself through the trial-by-fire of practice that you gained true understanding.

  • When you first rode a bike, you fell, failed, and cried tears of frustration.
  • When you first learned to swim, you inhaled water, nearly drowned, and were scared to swim briefly.
  • When you first learned to cook, you got spattered with hot grease, burned food, and ordered pizza.

The common theme for all these skills is that reading books, getting advice, and having a teacher may have been necessary or helpful... those weren't the main focus of mastering the skill.

Because these things are all skills that take practice to learn.

Think about it...

  • When you first saw Michael Phelps swim, you understood he was way more skilled than you.
  • When you first saw Lance Armstrong ride, you understood he was way stronger than you.
  • When you first saw Gordon Ramsay cook, you understood he was way more masterful than you.

These people are all able to satisfy themselves through their performance. They're able to get the results they want in their desired field.

Because these are people who obsessively practice their skill until it’s ‘mastered.’

These people started out just like you, as children ('blank slates') who weren't particularly good at their craft. They started out with a bit of advice or teaching from a parent or coach, and then dove into their skill passionately, making sure to practice until they nailed it. They braved all the mistakes, falls, and fails and weren't afraid to admit they were a beginner and start gently.

  • When you first learned swimming, you had ‘water-wings’ or a parent keeping you afloat.
  • When you first learned cycling, you had training wheels or a parent holding you upright.
  • When you first learned cooking, you started with grilled cheese, or a parent directing you.

The point is that in manifestation or any other skill...

There’s a big difference between ‘beginner things’ and ‘expert things’ for any skill.

Many mistakes, failures, and questions about the law of attraction arise because people treat LOA like some kind of magic pill, instead of a skill that needs training wheels, intense practice, and hours of consistent effort in order to be effective at it.


If you have a question about why or how to manifest what you want right now, I bet the answer is going to be ‘practice more/better’, ‘use a more beginner approach’, or ‘apply yourself more joyfully and consistently like a good student.’

But most people don’t want to hear that stuff.

They don’t want the answer to their manifestation-woes to be: "have more discipline, be more consistent, practice better, think deeper, analyze progress objectively, fail more, fail faster, skin your knees, get back on the horse, etc."

And since they don't want to hear the truth...

The only options for teachers are a) give students the truth even though they’ll be ignored and hated for it, b) serve students fun clickbait like ‘The Secret’ or ‘The 3-6-9 Method,’ or c) help the tiny handful of humans who are actually serious about mastering law of attraction and are eager for honest feedback, even if it means they have to practice more.

Most teachers choose option B, because it’s the easiest path to making money. They’ll just come up with new ‘methods’ with fancy names that make students think it’s not practice that’s the problem, they just need a new ‘method.’

However, LOA students don’t really need new methods.

Most already have plenty of manifestation methods that’ll work well for them... if only they practiced them consistently, attentively, and whole-heartedly like they would when learning to drive.

If you bring me any student complaining of trouble manifesting, and (let’s say) we’re able to observe every moment of their day, thought in their head, and mood they feel… we’d notice something almost instantly:

99% of the students would have the same three problems.

And what would those be, you ask?

  • They practice rarely.
  • They practice briefly.
  • They practice poorly.

Then they fail at manifesting what they want and instead of practicing more with a good attitude... they hop online in rage or despair and ask for advice. Or they ask their teacher to ‘do it for them.’ Or they buy another book to ‘learn a new method.’

Anything but address the real issue, their practice.

Proper practice marks an ‘X’ on the calendar daily and rarely misses a day, no matter what. Proper practice puts away distractions and devices. Proper practice tackles one thing at a time, and sticks with it 'til it’s handled. Proper practice recognizes whether we’re a beginner or an expert, and practices accordingly. Proper practice observes attentively and makes one adjustment at a time to see if it helps. Proper practice tracks results with a happy heart and accepts whatever progress occurs.


Everyone has practiced many skills since they were born, and the ones you practiced properly are quickly mastered, relatively speaking. But any skills practiced improperly remain mediocre at best, appalling at worst.

So… what exactly should you be practicing?

Well, the law of attraction is about mastery of your thoughts, moods, and choicesso practice those.

You have 55,000+ thoughts a day, each one with an accompanying emotion. The majority of your thoughts are probably, well, mediocre… not all that positive or impressive. The majority likely aren’t powerful or joyful or grateful enough to truly manifest shit.

And that’s ok.

In this day and age, that’s basically where we all ‘start.’ (Though as a child your thoughts & moods were far superior.)

So start by improving as many thoughts as you can.

If you’re a beginner and you can only improve your thoughts for 5 minutes, so be it, start there. But like anyone who practices, you’d best be able to do 5 and a half minutes tomorrow. Or if you made 100 thoughts better today, do 110 tomorrow. Or if you increased your emotional-level to ‘content’ instead of ‘frustrated’ yesterday, you’d best be aiming for ‘enthusiastic’ today. I hope this makes sense. The basics of all practice are to start where you are, then apply yourself consistently so that you’re better and better every day.

How do I improve my thoughts, you may ask.

It's easy, and people have been doing it for centuries. From biblical times, to Wallace Wattles, to Abraham-Hicks there are countless methods from countless teachers that help you improve your thoughts. Some methods are more expert, some are more beginner-style, but there are no rules on which to use. Ultimately, it’s up to you to experiment and find ones that work for you.

Thoughts Are Netural Improve Them.png

  • Some examples you can look up from Joseph Murphy are ‘passing over’, ‘blueprinting’, ‘mind movies’, ‘act-as-if’, ‘going general’, ‘affirmations’, ‘releasing resistance’, ‘lullaby mantras’, ‘gratitude’, ‘reasoning’, etc.

  • Some examples you can look up from Neville Goddard are ‘revision’, ‘congratulations’, ‘fast-forward’, ‘I am’, ‘self-hypnosis’, ‘how did I’, etc.

  • Some examples you can look up from Abraham-Hicks are ‘focus wheels’, ‘the wallet game’, ‘placemat exercise’, ‘segment intending’, ‘magical creation box’, ‘positive aspects’, etc.

Some of these are best done in the morning, others are best done at night, others can be done anytime. Some of these are good for ‘visual’ thinkers, some are good for ‘tactile’ people. Some are good for law-of-attraction-beginners, some best saved for experts. (Affirmations, for example, work great when you’re flying high, but saying them from a neutral or negative mood will very likely make things worse.)

All of the LOA techniques are things that someone ‘made up’ to improve your thoughts, so you can see why it’s important to experiment and find ones that work for you... even if you have to invent your own.

And all of them require a similar kind of effort, the effort to stop living on autopilot, to pay attention and direct your thoughts in a positive way that serves you.

I could go deeper into various processes, methods, and exercises. I could explain the nuances of their execution. But those are for people who’ve already got the hang of proper practice. It’s for people who’ve already disciplined their mind to at least a basic level of consistency. Once that’s done, then we can explore ‘which method is better’ and ‘what are some tips for method X, Y, or Z.’ For now…

Anything that helps nudge your thoughts in a sustainable, positive way will do.

And once you’ve got a method or two of thought-improvement that feels good to you, the next step is to practice it. The same way a guitar player "shouldn’t" be asking for tips on what electric amp to use if they can’t even play a single chord... law of attraction students "shouldn’t" be asking for the tips on what method is best, if they can’t even direct their mind reasonably throughout the day.

If your mind wanders, leans negative, or won’t focus… It is weak. If your mind is unable to think deeply for yourself, experiment with methods, or discover what resonates with you through research or trial-and-error… It is weak. If your mind can’t be slowed down, stilled, or intensified at your will… It is weak.

And if that's the case, it can only be helpful to admit your mind is weak. Just like someone who can't bench-press 200lbs. is wise to admit they can't bench 200lbs. Because only when we admit we're not strong enough or practiced enough yet... do we then actually hit the gym and start working out.


Chances are your mind needs training. It needs workouts. It needs practice. Practice properly and eventually your mind will be strong enough and positive enough to actually be teachable.

Every human being is blessed with a mind.

I’ve spent a lifetime polishing mine, and almost as long sharing my understandings with others, in the hope that they’d learn from my stories, experiences, mistakes, and wisdom. I did it with the hope of people ‘getting it’, so I’d have a team of great manifestors to rock life with.

But a lot of my effort could be seen as a giant waste of time, since I never insisted any of them practice what’s been taught, and it all faded away, so my students became useless at manifesting much of anything due to lack of practice.

Wisdom can be offered to your mind, but only practice will allow you to internalize, embody, and truly understand it on a deep level.

Like an overweight body with clogged arteries desperately needs movement & exercise, most people’s minds need practice, badly.

And no one can do it for you.

Your mind is untouchable by others unless you allow it. Your mind obeys you and only you, unless you allow otherwise. Your mind is the ultimate law of attraction tool to create your reality.

So learn to use yours well.

Learn to use the massive inner-power of your thoughts, moods, and choices to create ‘miracles.’ This takes practice. Especially because society has trained so many away from mental discipline. Especially since we’ve been trained towards mental laziness, letting others think for us, doing whatever’s popular, choosing comfort over challenge, distracting ourselves with drama and entertainment, etc. All these things and more mean most humans are so out of practice at directing their minds, and only practice will help you create the life you want.


Because using the law of attraction is a skill.

And it’s one you can master with practice.

Thanks so much for reading, commenting, sharing, or even skimming. If you want more on Law Of Attraction, check out these articles:

Stock images from the epic stock site, Envato.com


Estupendo post! Me encantó cada línea de principio a fin y coincido contigo que la práctica hace al maestro. Entrenar nuestra mente es un trabajo diario, de constancia. Creo que a veces ponemos más atención de la debida en el resultado y perdemos esos detalles importantes.

Gracias por continuar compartiendo esta información tan valiosa, aunque sientas de algún modo que perdiste el esfuerzo, yo creo que no, diste un aporte a todas esas personas (como ahora lo haces aquí en Hive con nosotros) y al que corresponda esta información lo tocará y se conectara con esto en su justo momento.

Bendiciones 🤗✨

Great post! I loved every line from start to finish and agree with you that practice makes perfect. Training our mind is a daily work, of constancy. I think sometimes we pay more attention than we should on the result and we lose those important details.

Thank you for continuing to share this valuable information, even if you feel somehow that you lost the effort, I think not, you gave a contribution to all those people (as you now do here in Hive with us) and to whom it corresponds this information will touch and connect with this at the right time.

Blessings 🤗✨

¡Hurra! Me alegro mucho de que hayas disfrutado de mi post y hayas encontrado valor en él. Comentarios como el tuyo me animan a seguir compartiendo lo que puedo. ¡Bendiciones! 🙏

Hooray! I'm so glad you enjoyed my post and found value in it. Comments like yours encourage me to continue sharing what I can. Blessings! 🙏

Great article and graphics.

Even if a verbal or written explanation works briefly, it will fade without practice. True understanding must be ‘internalized’ through experience. And that experience most often comes in the form of practice.

This. I had to learn the hard way (without practice) that practice was the only way I was going to get better at manifesting, and anything I wanted to be good at really.

All of the LOA techniques are things that someone ‘made up’ to improve your thoughts, so you can see why it’s important to experiment and find ones that work for you... even if you have to invent your own.

We did this last night. And it worked amazingly well for me. But so did belief ladders, focus wheels, and positive aspects list too. But so did "convincing Katya".

thank You for this article, for Your help, and all Your love (and Your gate lol).


Yay! Glad you appreciated the article & graphics! Yeah, it's weird how many full-grown adults spend more time looking for shortcuts than they do 'practicing what matters', but hey, at least we learned eventually, right?

Yes, we invented a technique, but have others to rely on as well. What really matters is that we're practicing one or more of them properly. 🙏❤️

Not only do you have the abilities to take good shots, and do an amazing editing, you have what it takes to drawn people in. I guess this is as a result of years of practice of the LOA.

sometimes, we feel we are not sufficient enough, whereas at this moments we are supposed to make positive affirmations and declarations to our minds so that with those affirmations, our minds can work better towards making us attractive

Again, the reason we never actually got to the point of getting what we want out of life is that we fail to practice. We want quick returns with less actions. We want it here and now, yet, never put in the work to get it here and now.

Thanks for the self uplifting messages embedded in this post, I hope I won't among the people who have seen this today, and still fail to practice them.

I appreciate your kind words. I have practice good shots, editing, writing, drawing people in, and so on... so I'm glad to hear that shines through, lol 🤣

You're right! Affirmations can be an effective tool, (and if those don't work, there are other techniques available as well.)

You seem like you're on the right track, I believe you'll practice well and succeed. #KeepRyzing ! Wishing you a great day. 🙏

Hahaha.... It's showing... I am sure I am not the only one who noticed it.☺️

and if those don't work, there are other techniques available as well

What are the other techniques available if I may ask l?

You seem like you're on the right track, I believe you'll practice well and succeed.

I'll do just that

Wishing you a great day. 🙏

I wish you same, thank you sir

(grin) well, I'm grateful for anyone :)

There's countless methods that mostly have their roots in appreciation, imagination, meditation, or perspective-shifting. A quick google will bring up many methods such as:

  • ‘passing over’
  • ‘blueprinting’
  • ‘3-6-9’,
  • ‘mind movies’
  • ‘act-as-if’
  • ‘going general’
  • ‘affirmations’
  • ‘cups of water’
  • ‘releasing resistance’
  • ‘lullaby mantras’
  • ‘gratitude’
  • ‘focus wheels’
  • ‘positive aspects’
  • ‘meditation’
  • etc.

Each person's LOA practice will involve their own unique approach and blend of methods. I explore this more here if you're interested.

(Affirmations for example, rarely work for extremely depressed or lack-focused people, and often backfire.)

Hope that helps, wishing you a wonderful evening! 🙏

This is no doubt among the best contents I've crossed on Hive, and I didn't even read it fully. Your whole content would take me about a month to digest but I'm gonna keep at it. Coming in from your blog post about communication(massive xD), I can tell what's in store. But really, it's a blessing to have found your content as I did, sharing ideas and truths for what they really are. Thank you and keep sharing the Goodwill!

This made my day, thank you so much for your kind words. I put a tremendous amount of love and care into crafting my content, and even more into seeking truth before I write, so I'm thrilled that you noticed. I do offer a lot of content freely here, and I'm honored when anyone reads any of it, whether one piece or my entire library. (I was particularly proud of that piece on communication xD) I appreciate your good will and will do my best to continue sharing it around. Wishing you a great evening! 🙏

Love that you post about the LOA!😀
As a zodiac cancer, it is my moods i gotta overcome...to manifest/create "positive".😉

Thanks! I do talk about it a lot, in fact, @cynshineonline just started up our LOA subreddit too, lol. Moods are a super-important aspect of manifesting positive results, wishing you lots of success with yours! 🙏

Thanks my brother, i followed @cynshineonline & you 4 sure...
Looking forward to more inspiration. Thank You!😊

My pleasure, #KeepRyzing ! 🙏

Thanks for the follow! I appreciate it ❤️❤️❤️

My pleasure😉

Proper practise and consistency.
This post is really filled with a lot and I'm glad I get to see it thank you @ryzeonline.
I need to feed more on this.

Yes! Proper practice and consistency!

I'm glad you found the post valuable, wishing you a great day! 🙏

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!

Hooray! Thank you! 🙏

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Thanks for the mention dear friend. It is always very relaxing, motivating and inspiring to read you. Excellent explanation, I loved it. Regards.

My pleasure, thank you for your kind words and appreciation. I'm grateful and wish you a great evening! 🙏

I love your writing style, and your energy and positivity. It's wonderful! If I may, I want to challenge this concept just a teensy little bit, as I do think you're right about the ratio of mastery of a thing, and I do love your visuals. However, for me, at least, it is less about practice (which I would equate to physical force), and more about changing inner beliefs and self concepts. Once you do that, you don't need to practice anything. It just happens. You think it, and it happens.

Learning how to not react to 3D is about the only thing I can think of that I do that requires actual physical or mental practice or force.

Getting the proper subconscious rewiring so the beliefs will reveal a different reality? That doesn't take practice to my knowledge, unless you prefer to use more tangible practices such as meditation, talk therapy, and imaginal acts to change the rewiring. But there are plenty of ways to change subconscious beliefs that do not require practice whatsoever. And once those are altered, the reality alters with it and things are drawn to you out of thin air. This has been my first hand experience. On multiple occasions. It's pretty astounding.

I don't like practicing things. Unless it's the piano.

Yay! Glad you like my style, energy, and positivity!

When I say practice, I mean mental and emotional practice. Practice appreciation, practice gratitude, practice belief, practice self-hypnosis, practice affirmations.

Whatever you practice, you will massively outperform and out-manifest those who practiced nothing, apply themselves to nothing, engage in nothing.

Einstein practiced problem-solving, Van Gogh practiced painting, Tesla practiced inventing, Jesus practiced 'miracles' and manifesting.

That said, I applaud and encourage any approach to manifestation that works for you, and if your 'no-practice' way is better for or preferred by, I hope everyone follows your teachings over mine :)

I don't like practicing things. Unless it's the piano.

I love practicing deliberate manifestation, and treat it as if it IS piano. :)

Thanks for your comment, wishing you a great day! 🙏

I mean mental and emotional practice. Practice appreciation, practice gratitude, practice belief, practice self-hypnosis, practice affirmations.

I couldn't do any of that stuff until I started changing my core beliefs. It was too difficult. Practice was futile. Now, it doesn't feel like practice. It just comes as a natural result. I don't practice belief or hypnosis or affirmations hardly at all. I'm not that disciplined.

But I will say, yes, I tend toward keeping a positive and grateful attitude over one that is not, because I know the impact it has in quantum ways. It really not only benefits me to do so, but I'm not sure I can afford not to! If we're being honest.

I validate your experience and encourage whatever approach works for you!

I couldn't do any of that stuff

I don't envision anyone convincing me that saying 'thank you' for something, or taking a few deep meditative breaths, is beyond any human's ability to practice... but if you say you couldn't so be it. :)

I tend toward keeping a positive and grateful attitude

If you say you engage in positivity and gratitude (consciously, habitually, or otherwise)... that's exactly aligned with what I define as LOA practice, as opposed to people who avoid doing such things ('non-practitioners' or 'less practiced' individuals). 🙏

Yeah. I couldn't do it. I was really in a tough spot for a long time. I was scared and worried and frustrated and angry and suffering deeply and without any sign of remedy to the situation. And had good reason to feel that way. I just couldn't be grateful for anything at that time. I was so laden with sorrow. It was nearly impossible. And I certainly couldn't attempt, let alone practice, any sort of positive attitude, consistent or otherwise, no matter how hard I tried. It felt really inauthentic and like I was making a mockery of my life if I did. I also could not, for the life of me, attempt to envision anything that was remotely positive as an outcome for what my situation provided. I couldn't do it. I hadn't the capacity. My 3D was so laden with the deepest of sorrow. Meditation was impossible. Deep breaths were for "those other" people. Gratitude was for pretenders. I was always a kind and appreciative person when it came to being around folks. And I put on a pretty smile and was fun and lovely in general, I should like to think. But not inside. Not in the situation I was in. And I had no way to think otherwise, or out of it.

I found AH and practiced the art of vibing higher, and showing satisfaction during moments when I could find no reason to be so. And this basically provided me the mental discipline to be able to practice the art of not reacting to 3D once I found out about that concept. AH talks about it too a little bit. She says ignore your circumstances. And I could never understand what that meant, until I realized that I can't really ever ignore them. I have to deal with them. But I can certainly minimize my emotional reaction to them, and modify the meaning I assign to these triggering events. To the point, they no longer recognize themselves as triggering events, and they dissolve.

That's all I do. Every day. That and the subconscious retraining.

The manifesting comes after. As a result. And then I'm super grateful for all that. Like suuuper grateful!

When I'm really on a roll, I can think something into existence within minutes. Sometimes seconds. Sometimes days. There are things I'm still working on - subconscious resistance most likely. But it's ridiculous the kinds of things I've seen. Just from altering subconscious and practicing 3D responses.

That's all I do. Nothing else. Two steps.

Thanks for sharing your story, experiences, and method. To me, everything you've described is literally 'practicing' (as in the opposite of theory; practice)...


...but it sounds like you don't resonate with that particular word, so of course call what you do whatever suits you best. Whatever you end up calling it, it sounds great and successful for you, so I totally encourage it! #KeepRyzing :) 🙏

That would be correct. I explain above that I do indeed practice things. But only two things: 1) not reacting to 3D, and 2) altering subconscious beliefs. Just those two things. Nothing more. And if I so chose, I could just do #2 and still manifest completely perfectly. #1 just makes it go a little faster.

Damn straight I don't resonate with "practice." Why should I practice anything if I don't have to? Don't get me wrong. I studied LOA for years. It's good stuff.

And then I discovered subconscious.

And that was a game changer. I do not believe manifesting has to be a practice or a learned skill or a discipline whatsoever. It can be as easy as altering the subconscious and watching the world morph in front of your eyes as you think it into existence. This has been my experience thus far. And I'm just getting started. And it beats practice any day of the week. I admire what you're doing. You're one of the better LOA coaches I've seen, and you've got extraordinary content and delivery. And for LOA, it's good stuff.

Let me know if you ever get curious about the effortless manifesting through subconscious entrainment. I'm only a comment away. It's a total mind fuck.

I'm honored, thank you! 🙏